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Chrono Odyssey — State Of Unreal
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of March 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Chrono Odyssey Check out the new trailer for Chrono Odyssey that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Chrono Odyssey is an open-world MMO title for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC coming from Npixel in the near future.     Chrono Odyssey — State Of Unreal A new trailer, first revealed at Epic Games’ State of Unreal at GDC 2024. Explore the world of Setera in Chrono Odyssey. Chrono Odyssey is an open-world action MMORPG with engaging gameplay mechanics that allow players to manipulate space and time. Read More...
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Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra Drops A Bit Of The Story Into A New Era For Us To Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 21st of March 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
1943 The story of Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra is out there so we have more than just a title card for Marvel 1943 to speculate over Here we go with the Black Panther and Captain America video game getting a big update for us all to experience as Marvel 1943: Rise Of Hydra was shown off at GDC 2024. More than we have a bigger story and get to see just how Skydance is bringing this title to light and how Marvel Games will further expand their roster with, hopefully, a great story. That is what we have to dive into for Marvel 1943 as of now, along with a look at the character designs with masks on and off. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — GDC 2023 [Episode Four]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 26th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
GDC The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into GDC 2023 and all new and emerging technologies that GDC had to offer up the gaming world The AggroCast crew had the opportunity to take in what this year's GDC had to offer up out of San Francisco. Raymond sits down with David to go over the many different things that were a highlight for GDC this year. Some of it mo-cap, some of it physics engines, and some of it how AI could be changing the game. Pun intended. Read More...
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New DLC & Platform Is Coming For Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of March 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Mutant Year Zero A new bit of DLC is coming to Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden soon as Switch gamers will have a chance to take Mutant Year Zero on the go as well There has been a lot to come out of GDC this year and another cool announcement that came out is that Mutant Year Zero: Road To Eden will be heading to the Nintendo Switch. All announced in one of the best ways by The Bearded Ladies as they point out just how they can export the game to the new platform from the Unreal engine and are doing just that. Of course, there is a bit more than just that but it is almost never presented in that way. Read More...
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Glimpse Some New Cinematics For Oddworld: Soulstorm
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of March 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Oddworld A new cinematic rendering breakdown for Oddworld: Soulstorm is here to show off how things will be made in this Oddworld title Here we go with another title getting shown off a bit more during GDC's Keynotes this year with Oddworld: Soulstorm getting a bit of the limelight. This time we are not seeing much in the way of gameplay for the game, but we are getting a good look at one of the cinematic sequences that Oddworld Inhabitants has put together. If this will show up in the final version of Soulstorm is still up in the air, but it does show off the way things will be presented when it comes to the scenes. Given how the other titles went in the past, I would not be surprised if this was all from the game and not fully pre-rendered though. Read More...
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System Shock 3 Has A New Tease Fresh From GDC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of March 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
System Shock Work is still underway for System Shock 3 and we have a nice new tease to take in for System Shock 3 right from the Game Developers Conference It has been a rocky start and continuation for System Shock 3, but that has not stopped Otherside Entertainment from working on a game they obviously love and want to get out to the public. That how all developers should be and even in the wave of ditching the publisher for the game, they are still making strides into getting it out there and pleasing all of the fans out there. This is made more evident by the latest teaser we have for System Shock 3 that was made part of the Unity Keynote during GDC this year. Read More...
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Control Has A Bit Of New Gameplay To Show Off New Technologies
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of March 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
Control During GDC 2019, new gameplay for Control was shown to give us a look at the game as well as how Real-Time Ray Tracing will affect Control Just as we all assumed at this point, GDC 2019 has already started off by giving us a look at some of the technologies coming to our video games and we get to see more for Control here. For this title we are seeing just how Remedy will be using some of the new Real-Time Ray Tracing for the game to make shadows look a bit crisper and the lighting feels a little more authentic. Among many other things too, but that is the main focus for this new video for Control by doing the usual gameplay with the settings turned on and then off at times. Read More...
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A New Artistic Platformer Is Coming To PC & Xbox Through Stela
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of March 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Stela A new title, Stela, is announced will be bringing its artistic platforming gameplay to the Xbox One and PC sometime this year While it will be on full display at GDC this year, we have the official announcement of Stela coming at us to bring another artistic style game into the fold of the PC and Xbox One. I am not talking in terms of some fancy paint style program but in terms of a new platformer from SkyBox Labs that will place us in a very artistic world while needing to navigate puzzles and the world. It sounds a lot more high-concept than it actually is here, but that is not a deterrent for Stela in the least bit. Read More...
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A New Tech Demo May Have Shown Us What To Expect In The Next Borderlands
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 2nd of March 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Borderlands At GDC, the devs behind Borderlands had a new tech demo shown off that housed some new techniques the next Borderlands may be using If you're a fan of Borderlands, and let's face it you most likely are as you sped in here, then you are in for a real treat here as we may have seen some of the technology that will bring that game to life. Straight out of GDC there was a panel where part of the team from Gearbox was showing off some of their new work with the Unreal Engine. All of which pointed toward how they are working on rendering techniques for future games, the previously announced new Borderlands title falls in there, and they showed off just how they were improving on their old system to make sure they could get their unique look perfect for the future. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 3/14/16 — 3/18/16
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of March 2016 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games This has been one crazy week for video games hasn't it? We had a whole load of new rumors fly out there and some huge announcements. Could we be getting Red Dead Redemption 2 and a BioShock Collection or is that just wishful thinking? How about the price announcement for the PlayStation VR that came out and then was followed up by a bundle that still greatly undercuts the competition in terms of price. Hells, we also had a nice review for the first episode of Hitman land out there for you. Read More...
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PlayStation VR Gets Priced & Has A Release Window
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
PlayStation VR During a press event at GDC PlayStation VR was priced out and also now we have a release window for when PlayStation VR will be hitting our homes Update 2 Deatail on the PlayStation VR bundle confirmed Sony isn't kidding around here for the PlayStation VR as they confirmed that the bundle will be $499 USD and up for pre-order on March 22nd. It will include: PS VR headset PS VR cables Stereo Headphones PlayStation VR Demo Disc PlayStation Camera 2 PlayStation Move motion controllers PlayStation VR Worlds (disc) Update Sony Confirms Bundle For North America Looks like there was a lot of outcry about the PlayStation VR set not coming with a camera or Move controllers. While the camera is required to use the system the controllers are not but many developers are building titles with the idea that consumers will have them. Read More...
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New Dev Diary For The Snowdrop Engine…Oh, & Some The Division Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
A new developer diary for the Snowdrop Engine has surfaced from GDC. Learn about the engine a bit and see some gameplay for The Division. This is going to be yet another of my famous, I wish, talks about game engines and where they have advanced; specifically the Snowdrop engine again. If you are unfamiliar with the Snowdrop engine, it is what Ubisoft and Massive have built for the upcoming title The Division. I've also pined over this engine a bit in the past and it will keep going like that as we keep getting videos that show off its power. The kind that I have provided a little bit lower. Read More...
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Sony Doesn't Want To Be Left Out Of The VR Craze With Project Morpheus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Sony unveiled their VR head set, dubbed Project Morpheus, at GDC this week. Will we all be playing God Of War as Kratos now? Some big news has emerged from Sony at GDC in the form of Project Morpheus. This is the company's new virtual reality headset that has been designed to work hand in hand with the PlayStation 4. If it will let you play any title that has made it to the next gen console from Sony is still up in the air but Project Morpheus makes it an option. Not only have an option for any old title, hopefully, but for developers to make some amazing experiences on the PS4 moving forward. Read More...
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Have A Good Look At The Secret World's Character Creation
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of March 2012 - 05:11 PM ]
It's been a little quiet on The Secret World front for a while. I think we are due some new info or visuals. Don't you? Funcom did recently have a showcasing of the character creation system and a bit of actual game play, but it was for press only. Most of you out there probably didn't get a chance to check it out, I know I didn't. That is until now. Funcom must have felt bad that got to see the new stuff so they up and decided to post part of the presentation online. Read More...
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Quantic Dream's Kara And My Thoughts You Know You Want
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of March 2012 - 09:31 PM ]
So I know it may be a little late in the game and that most of you have already seen Quantic Dream's new Tech Demo titled Kara but I still felt like you needed to have my opinion on it. If you feel otherwise, why did you click the link here? But in all seriousness, if you haven't seen the demo yet I have included it just below. Take a look and then continue on for the rest of these ramblings. So while this is just a tech demo showing off the amazing talent of Quantic Dream one would have to say that it is extremely impressive. Read More...
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