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Sony Is Trying To Make Up For That PlayStation Outage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 2nd of January 2015 - 06:00 PM ]
Sony has just announced how it is going to try and appease all of those gamers who were affected by the PlayStation Network outage over the holiday week If you were like me then you were most likely not able to play online games on your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 3 over the holiday week as some asshats thought it funny to take down both the PSN and XBL. Not only did it make things hard for all of those gamers who received their new consoles for the holidays but it also forced people to leave their families to fix the issue. I hope that Sony and Microsoft compensated those poor individuals well for saving the day. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 12/8/14 — 12/12/14
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 13th of December 2014 - 12:00 AM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Now that we are in the wake of the PlayStation Experience and all of those games that were show at the show, you should have expected all those hands on and reports that we gave. If this is your first time reading anything on the site here then you are in for a treat as there were a whole lot of games from Until Dawn to Resident Evil. All kinds of games in the mix of just general news as we joked about at the end of last week. We were also on the scene to make sure we were able to cover it all. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Resident Evil Revelations 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To See Resident Evil Revelations 2 In A More Intimate Setting Than Just A Trailer. It is coming out here in a few months but is it going to be worth our time and money We've had the release date for the first episode of Resident Evil Revelations 2 already but we've yet to have a whole lot of time to have hands on with how this new game will handle. Luckily it was on the floor of PlayStation Experience for all of us to give a quick run through of what we've seen time and time again already. I was lucky enough to wait to get a chance to see if Resident Evil Revelations 2 is going to be more like the current versions of the franchise or if it really does go back its root or more along with Resident Evil 4. Read More...
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We Had A Quiet God Of War Announcement Happen Recently
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
During the God Of War retrospective panel at the PlayStation Experience Cory Barlog let loose that a new title was in the works, only very quietly Looks like there is a new God Of War title in the works according to Cory Barlog. During the PlayStation Experience there was a nifty panel that took place in the form of a God Of War retrospective. Pretty much it was a celebration and fun event for all fans of the franchise to relive the fun and talk to some of the minds behind the famed franchise. I unfortunately missed out on it while I was previewing the father of God Of War's new IP Drawn To Death. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Bloodborne
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of December 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To See Bloodborne In A More Intimate Setting Than Just A Trailer. I Gave The Game A Go Via Two Different Hunters To Make Sure I Didn't Miss Anything… Up until the PlayStation Experience my time with Bloodborne has been only in the way of trailers or watching one of the developers try to show off the game. If you've been following my drivel since Bloodborne was announced then you will know that I have been nothing but unenthused about the game. That is why I decided to give it the old college try and see if this PS4 exclusive was going to be able to capture my love with actual hands on. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Mortal Kombat X
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To See Mortal Kombat X In A More Intimate Setting Than Just A Trailer. I Was Able Beat People To Death. Here's What I Thought Of The Game There was no new character for Mortal Kombat X announced nor was there an exclusive character just for the PS3/PS4 mentioned at the PlayStation Experience but the latest build was available for us all to play. This included all characters, levels, variations, and moves that have been seen up until the Quan Chi announcement. That was a hefty bit if I do say so but it was well under 50% of what it looks like we will be getting in the final version of Mortal Kombat X. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Apotheon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To Check Out Apotheon; A Side Scrolling Title That Lets You Play As The Greeks Told Stories Apotheon was a title I heard about via the PlayStation Blog and something that piqued my interest from the start. In all honesty it has been the visual style of the game as well as the premise that Alien Trap is going for with this little PC/PS4 title coming out next year. It was these things that forced me to track the team down at the PlayStation Experience and actually get Apotheon in my hands to give it the really godly test as I should. There is a whole level dedicated to my main man after all. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Amplitude
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of December 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To Check Out Amplitude; A Reboot Of The Famed Harmonix Game Of Yore We all wanted Amplitude and we all are getting Amplitude for the PS3 and PS4 thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign for the game. This is one of the first Harmonix titles I ever became addicted to and I am glad to see the legacy may be living on. In fact I was one of the lucky people who were able to take Amplitude for a spin in its current stat at the PlayStation Experience. Just in case you were not so lucky let me break it down for you on how the game as progressed up until now. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — The Order: 1886
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To See The Order: 1886 In A More Intimate Setting Than Just A Trailer. Here's My Take On The Victorian Age Shooter Coming To PS4 Next Year Only a few months now until The Order: 1886 releases at is shocks me that it has taken this long to get my hands on the game. Well if you negate the fact that the average wait time to play the demo at the PlayStation Experience was about three and a half hours then it may not be as shocking. Luckily for me, and in turn you, I was able to bypass the long wait (by rushing to the booth first thing) and was able to get my hands on the public demo and the press demo that Ready At Dawn and Santa Monica Studios brought to the PSX. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death was not only announced at the PlayStation Experience but it was also on the show floor in the pre-alpha build. Here's my take on how Drawn To Death handled thus far The teased title for The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency was officially announced at the PlayStation Experience in the way of Drawn To Death. Drawn To Death is a new arena shooter of sorts that is all in the style of some high school student's notebook doodles. It made a huge splash and was a great way to end the entire keynote for the PlayStation Experience on Saturday (12/6/14). Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Until Dawn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To See Until Dawn In A More Intimate Setting Than Just A Trailer. Here's My Take On The PS4 B-Movie Horror Game Last we saw Until Dawn was in a nice little teaser trailer and showcase at Gamescom in August. While it was all filmed using the game's engine it never really showed how Until Dawn would play out or handle once we had it in our hands. That is outside of playing out like a campy horror film of your and until the PlayStation Experience where the game was on hand for the lucky few of us to actually play. Here's how Until Dawn handled and pretty much where the game is at so far from Supermassive Games. Read More...
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The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency Has Something For The PlayStation Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of November 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
A teaser for The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency's upcoming title has been released with a possible announcement at the PlayStation Experience next week If you haven't heard of The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency studio yet then you are missing out on a few things. This would be the studio founded by Nick Kononelos and David Jaffe out in San Diego. We're not going to go into a history lesson on how that all came about but you can check that all out over at the official website for the studio. The rest to follow is about what the team over there has cooked up for us all and when we might get to see something from them. Read More...
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Blizzard Just Announced Their First New IP In A While: Overwatch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of November 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Fresh out of Blizzcon 2014 Blizzard has announced Overwatch their first fully new IP in 17 years It has been about 17 years since Blizzard has moved away from any title that wasn't Diablo, Warcraft, or StarCraft based so it was quite a shock to here that they are working on a new title named Overwatch. This is a team based, first person shooter which is another interesting deviation for the company but not one that isn't going to be welcomed with open arms. I'm not even a huge Blizzard fan who spends all of my time and money on their games and I'll admit what we've seen so far for Overwatch has piqued my interest and garnered my watchful eye. Read More...
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We Have Confirmed Titles For The PlayStation Experience
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of October 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new update on the PlayStation Experience has given us a list of publishers, developers, and titles we can expect to see at the event It looks like we have another great treat for us all on Halloween as we now have a short list of confirmed developers, publishers, and games that will be on hand at the upcoming PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas, NV. This isn't even the full list yet and it is looking like the $90 fee for both days is easily recouped with what you'll be able to experience. It looks like we have a confirmed 68 developers and publishers and 19 titles for the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. Read More...
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There Are A Few Updates For The PlayStation Experience Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of October 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Sony has finally given us a date that we can start purchasing those PlayStation Experience tickets as well as where the event will take place in Las Vegas Earlier this month the PlayStation Experience was announced and very little was given to us outside of the days and city it will take place in. That being December 6th and 7th in Las Vegas, NV for those who need a recap and didn't click the previous link. The PlayStation Experience is slated as an unprecedented event that will host panels and discussions with developers hooked into Sony PlayStation, hands-on with titles that are coming out soon, free swag, and the list goes on. We were also promised that on October 20th we would be given an update on how to purchase tickets and a bit more surrounding the event. Read More...
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