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The All-New PlayStation Plus Will Start With PlayStation Titles From All Over
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of May 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
PlayStation A list of titles that the new PlayStation Plus service will offer is here to give us something from all over the PlayStation library The all-new PlayStation Plus services will be kicking off in many different locations out there extremely soon and now is the time to get a sample of what will be coming to us all. This is more for those that are looking to upgrade their service to the Premium or Extra versions of it all. The base PlayStation Plus subscribers will still get their online access and free titles each month, but since the others will offer up a larger library and streaming titles in the mix too. Read More...
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PlayStation Plus Is Getting Quite A Few Changes Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of March 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
PlayStation PlayStation Plus is finally folding PlayStation Now into one specific service for us all It was one of the worst kept secrets and, thankfully, the rumors can now stop with the announcement we have for PlayStation Plus and how things are going to be changing for the service. Try not to freak out just yet; we still have to wait until June for all of these to go into effect, but it does sound close to what gamers have been asking for. Even if it does mean that PlayStation Now is slightly going away and we will see this service wrapped up in the new one here. All so we can get those classic PS1, PS2, and PS3 titles on the PS4 or PS5 depending on where you are in the cycle here. Read More...
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Sony Is Trying To Make Up For That PlayStation Outage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 2nd of January 2015 - 06:00 PM ]
Sony has just announced how it is going to try and appease all of those gamers who were affected by the PlayStation Network outage over the holiday week If you were like me then you were most likely not able to play online games on your PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 3 over the holiday week as some asshats thought it funny to take down both the PSN and XBL. Not only did it make things hard for all of those gamers who received their new consoles for the holidays but it also forced people to leave their families to fix the issue. I hope that Sony and Microsoft compensated those poor individuals well for saving the day. Read More...
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Here's The First Bit Of PlayStation Plus Content For 2015
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of December 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
Wait no longer as here are the free games coming to PlayStation Plus January 2015. Happy New Year to us all Just like that blasted Christmas week we are back to scraping the bottom of the barrel for news and here we have the free games for PlayStation Plus in 2015. The New Year's week is just as bad as ever for any hard hitting news and updates for the video game world. It sucks but at least you have us here to try and keep you informed as much as we can and this time it is for all of you playing the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita as long as Sony can keep the PSN up and running. But that is a whole different issue now. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Seven: The Return
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 25th of August 2010 - 03:29 PM ]
Brian and Binh make their podcast return along with Corey (MythicGriffon) for another exciting episode of the Aggrocast while Mike is AFK for the week. In this week's episode, Binh and Corey are at the mercy of Blizzard with the release of Starcraft II and participating in the beta for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Brian has been on his PlayStation 3 enjoying the PSN Plus service and its free games. The gang also discusses the news coming out of Gamescom along with some the information leaking outside of the convention. Read More...
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PlayStation Plus Doing The Hulu
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of June 2010 - 10:41 PM ]
So, the new PlayStation Plus has not even been out for a full day yet and already there is a new surprise to come along with it - even though the prize comes at a monthly cost. That surprise: Hulu is finally going to be playable on the PS3 and other consoles soon. Yea, the long awaited announcement for them to finally get off their high horse and let us all watch our free content on our consoles. Oh wait, that's right, it's not free for anything other than your PC. Just listed on the Hulu website is the new Hulu Plus program. Read More...
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