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The All-New PlayStation Plus Will Start With PlayStation Titles From All Over
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of May 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
PlayStation A list of titles that the new PlayStation Plus service will offer is here to give us something from all over the PlayStation library The all-new PlayStation Plus services will be kicking off in many different locations out there extremely soon and now is the time to get a sample of what will be coming to us all. This is more for those that are looking to upgrade their service to the Premium or Extra versions of it all. The base PlayStation Plus subscribers will still get their online access and free titles each month, but since the others will offer up a larger library and streaming titles in the mix too. Read More...
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PlayStation Plus Is Getting Quite A Few Changes Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of March 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
PlayStation PlayStation Plus is finally folding PlayStation Now into one specific service for us all It was one of the worst kept secrets and, thankfully, the rumors can now stop with the announcement we have for PlayStation Plus and how things are going to be changing for the service. Try not to freak out just yet; we still have to wait until June for all of these to go into effect, but it does sound close to what gamers have been asking for. Even if it does mean that PlayStation Now is slightly going away and we will see this service wrapped up in the new one here. All so we can get those classic PS1, PS2, and PS3 titles on the PS4 or PS5 depending on where you are in the cycle here. Read More...
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The List Of Titles For The PlayStation Classic Have Been Confirmed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 29th of October 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
PlayStation The full list of PlayStation Classic titles have been set down now and you can see what PlayStation games you can play this holiday season Some of you may have been holding out to pre-order the PlayStation Classic before December 3rd here and that makes a bit of sense as we had so few titles actually announced for the system. There was the guarantee of twenty titles when it was announced in general and now we have the full list besides the five big titles Sony was trying to grab our attention with. They were some rather solid PlayStation titles, sure, but given how gamers are we need to see it all before we throw our cash. Read More...
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A PlayStation Classic Is Now Coming Just In Time For The Holiday Season
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of September 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
PlayStation A PlayStation Classic has now been announced and will be bringing us a bunch of original PlayStation titles with the nostalgia It was truly only a matter of time before we caught wind of a PlayStation Classic actually coming to market and it looks like today is that day. Not that it is coming to market, we will have to wait until December 3rd for that, but it has been announced and we can no look forward to playing all of those old titles from the PS1 days again. All on a console that is about 45% smaller than the original PlayStation and with two controllers. That is some of the basics that will be coming with the hardware as well as the usual HDMI and USB cables that will be needed to see and power the system. Read More...
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Time For A Naughty Dog History Lesson
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Naughty Dog is celebrating their 30th anniversary and the developer and PlayStation have a nice video to help educate you on where they came from If you just thought to yourself "I don't need a history lesson for Naughty Dog" then you are most likely the largest fan of the developer or you're an employee of theirs. They have had a long 30 year run that has been pushed and promoted pretty much all year. Now we get it pushed again as we have a nice long history lesson that shows you a 50 minute recap of where Naughty Dog started and are going here in the coming years. Read More...
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WOOT, 15 years down!
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 4th of December 2009 - 09:19 PM ]
Today, December 3, 2009 marks the 15th anniversary of Sony's PlayStation line. The timeline goes as followed:1994: Release of PlayStation 12000: Release of PlayStation 22005: Release of PlayStationPortable2006: Release of PlayStation 3There were a bunch of Slims in there as well, but those aren't really new consoles, just redesigned consoles.The 15 years has been kind to Sony who previous to getting into the game industry was known for it's TV equipment. Sony's Beta player had given LaserDisc and VHS a run for their money, and their TV's were considered second to none. Read More...
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