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Hulu Animayhem’s Factory Is Opening Up For Those Heading To SDCC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of July 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Hulu Hulu is bringing more massive fun to SDCC with the announcement of Hulu Animayhem’s Factory this year Even more of the SDCC fun is gearing up for next week with the latest showing of Hulu Animayhem’s Factory. This was a thing that the company brought out last year to help show off many of the animated shows they have in their lineup as well as give fans all manner of photo ops and fun experiences to enjoy. Last year, they brought the Planet Express building to life along with many of the other animated shows on Hulu, and at SDCC 2024, they are coming hard by bringing us all the Slurm Factory from Futurama along with many other shows in tow. All taking place behind the convention and without the need of having a pass to experience. Read More...
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The Animayhem Is About To Kick Off At SDCC With Hulu Animayhem: Enter The 2nd Dimension
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of July 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Hulu Hulu is bringing all of the animation to us as SDCC with the Hulu Animayhem: Enter The 2nd Dimension activation Even in the midst of all of the strikes going on around SDCC this year, it looks like Hulu is coming hard at us for the announcement of the Hulu Animayhem. If you missed the news for that before, this is a new sub-brand for the service that will be hosting all of the adult animation and anime that the parent company now has the rights to stream out there. We are talking titles like Family Guy, Futurama, and Solar Opposites to name a few. All the new and old episodes that are coming out there too. Read More...
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Finally We Can Get Dis-Kinected From The Xbox One
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of May 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Microsoft has just announced a new Xbox One bundle that removes the Kinect and lowers the price greatly. Finally after months of the not-so-die-hard Xbox fans complaining about having to purchase the Kinect in their Xbox One bundle, it is being removed. That's right. Starting June 9th there will be an Xbox One bundle that doesn't have the Kinect packaged in which will bring the overall price down to match that of the launch day PS4. That would be $399 plus tax here in the states. Of course the option to purchase a Kinect to "upgrade" to the "best experience ever" will still be an option just no longer required. Read More...
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PlayStation Plus Doing The Hulu
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of June 2010 - 10:41 PM ]
So, the new PlayStation Plus has not even been out for a full day yet and already there is a new surprise to come along with it - even though the prize comes at a monthly cost. That surprise: Hulu is finally going to be playable on the PS3 and other consoles soon. Yea, the long awaited announcement for them to finally get off their high horse and let us all watch our free content on our consoles. Oh wait, that's right, it's not free for anything other than your PC. Just listed on the Hulu website is the new Hulu Plus program. Read More...
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