Now that we are in the wake of the PlayStation Experience and all of those games that were show at the show, you should have expected all those hands on and reports that we gave. If this is your first time reading anything on the site here then you are in for a treat as there were a whole lot of games from Until Dawn to Resident Evil. All kinds of games in the mix of just general news as we joked about at the end of last week. We were also on the scene to make sure we were able to cover it all.
It may seem like this is a bit lazier than any of our other "This Week In Video Games" in the past. That is of course all due to the non-stop nature that everything has been in over the last week. I'm tired and need a little break. Of course that isn't going to happen as there is a backlog of video games that need beating and I am the one who needs to beat them. None the less here is our recap of all the PlayStation Experience…experiences and all the other stuff that popped up in between. I really need more slaves writers to keep things flowing.
Have fun reading about those video games and happy gaming all!
- There Is More To The Dying Light Story Than We Thought
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Until Dawn
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Drawn To Death
- Time To Wrap Up That Batman: Arkham Knight Trailer
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Amplitude
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Apotheon
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Mortal Kombat X
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Bloodborne
- We Had A Quiet God Of War Announcement Happen Recently
- PlayStation Experience Hands On — Resident Evil Revelations 2
- Your First Intro Into Dying Light
- Let's Talk About Uncharted 4: A Thief's End & The Gameplay
- Story Time: Battlefield Hardline