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E3 2014 Impressions: HUNT: Horrors Of The Gilded Age
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
While at E3 I got to see HUNT: Horrors Of The Gilded Age in a more intimate setting than just the trailer. Here's my take on it Talk about a hidden gem with HUNT: Horrors Of The Gilded Age coming from Crytek. We had an official announcement just a few weeks ago but it didn't do much to impress me as an original IP but more the blending of two other IPs coming soon. I could not have been more mistaken after seeing what they had to show on the floor at E3 for HUNT: Horrors Of The Gilded Age. It does have similarities to games like The Order: 1886 and Evolve but it really shines as its own idea. Read More...
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E3 2014 Impressions: Bloodborne
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of June 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
While at E3 I got to see Bloodborne in a more intimate setting than just the trailer. Here's my take on it One of the larger titles named and shown during the Sony press conference was a game called Bloodborne. The next title coming from Japan Studios and From Software for the PS4. You may know them from King's Field and Dark Souls and it looks like Bloodborne is along the same lines here. I had the pleasure of seeing their live gameplay demo on the show floor at E3. Lucky for you I am going to break down what was shown outside of the pre-rendered trailer. Read More...
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Deep Silver Knocks It Out With Another Amazing Trailer For Dead Island 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of June 2014 - 07:35 PM ]
Dead Island 2 was announced at the Sony press conference and just as before it came with an amazing trailer to show it all off If I had to say one thing that Deep Silver does insanely well it has to be trailers for games and they did it again for Dead Island 2. If you were unable to catch the trailer in the middle of the Sony press conference out here at E3 then you are in luck as I have included it below for your viewing pleasure. It will also save you the time of having to scrub through the recap of the press conference just for the Dead Island 2 trailer so there is that as well. But enough of the sucking up. Read More...
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Watch Sony's 2014 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by Julia Schoebel [ Tuesday, 10th of June 2014 - 01:04 AM ]
Can't be at E3 2014 or the Sony Press Conference? We have you covered with the live stream below Here with go with another amazing (hopefully) conference and this time it is for Sony and all things PlayStation. I'd be lying if I didn't call myself a Sony Fan-Girl or at least admit that the PlayStation brand has a very special spot in my heart. Everything from the hardware to the software; I am ready for it all so bring it on Sony. My bigger hope is that on top of awesome games Sony announces fixes to the PS4 that will replace items that still require me to fire up the PS3 still. Read More...
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Watch Ubisoft's 2014 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 9th of June 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Can't be at E3 2014 or the Ubisoft Press Conference? We have you covered with the live stream below Here we go with what Ubisoft has to show us for all of their games at E3. I am so ready to see some Assassin's Creed Unityor Comet. You have absolutely no idea how excited I am for those two titles to come out and I am sure that Ubisoft is going to make a huge showing just like they did with Black Flag in the past. So excited. If Assassin's Creed isn't your cup of tea don't worry as Ubisoft has also stated that they are going to be showing off new stuff for The Division, The Crew, and Far Cry 4. Read More...
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Watch EA's 2014 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of June 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Can't be at E3 2014 or the EA Press Conference? We have you covered with the live stream below Now that the Microsoft Press Event is over it is time to move on to what EA has to show us. Just like before, we have a video stream for you to follow along with our team that is in the crowd. Also like the other conference this was written before EA has taken the stage to show off their wares to the world so if you are reading this before things are in full swing take that into account. What should we speculate on that EA is going to show us all? New Mirror's Edge 2 footage? Read More...
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Watch Microsoft's 2014 E3 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of June 2014 - 04:10 PM ]
Can't be at E3 2014 or the Microsoft Press Conference? We have you covered with the live stream below Here we go with the kickoff of E3 2014 with the Microsoft press conference. There have been quite a few thing speculated and rumored to make this year's showing but what it true and what was made up by the old internet here? Like people on the internet would waste their time making things up to get all of us gamers all riled up and believing any and all bullshit out there. Psh! Read More...
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New Dev Diary For The Snowdrop Engine…Oh, & Some The Division Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
A new developer diary for the Snowdrop Engine has surfaced from GDC. Learn about the engine a bit and see some gameplay for The Division. This is going to be yet another of my famous, I wish, talks about game engines and where they have advanced; specifically the Snowdrop engine again. If you are unfamiliar with the Snowdrop engine, it is what Ubisoft and Massive have built for the upcoming title The Division. I've also pined over this engine a bit in the past and it will keep going like that as we keep getting videos that show off its power. The kind that I have provided a little bit lower. Read More...
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Sony Doesn't Want To Be Left Out Of The VR Craze With Project Morpheus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Sony unveiled their VR head set, dubbed Project Morpheus, at GDC this week. Will we all be playing God Of War as Kratos now? Some big news has emerged from Sony at GDC in the form of Project Morpheus. This is the company's new virtual reality headset that has been designed to work hand in hand with the PlayStation 4. If it will let you play any title that has made it to the next gen console from Sony is still up in the air but Project Morpheus makes it an option. Not only have an option for any old title, hopefully, but for developers to make some amazing experiences on the PS4 moving forward. Read More...
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Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
The DICE Summit is underway in Las Vegas, NV and we have a way for you to watch and enjoy every bit of it. Check out all of the sessions and the awards ceremony here. By the time you are reading this the annual DICE Summit will be underway in Las Vegas, NV. Everything officially kicked off at 9:30am PST but that doesn't mean you have to miss out at all. We have all of the scheduled talks and panels streaming right below for you to enjoy and pine over. Well at least all of the ones that are allowed to be streamed over the net. Read More...
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The Steam Machine Breakdown As We Know It
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of January 2014 - 06:02 PM ]
Here is a break down of all of the currently announced vendors for the Steam Machine. With pictures. As promised last week, here is a full break down of the Steam Machine models that were on display at CES this year. It even includes the late comer who wasn't originally mentioned in any of the promotional items that were being handed out or show on the show floor. Yea, so how do you like them apples? Now that is out of the way. Read More...
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A Few Updates On PlayStation Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of January 2014 - 05:31 PM ]
PlayStation Now was announced and we got some of the news but after getting to talk to some of the people behind the service we have a few updates. Earlier I wrote about my experiences with Sony's new PlayStation Now service that will be coming to market in the next half a year or so. I had a few reservations as well as a few other questions crop up during my writing. Being semi-responsible I decided to go and get some better clarifications and answers to expand on my experience. Here is what I learned directly from the horse's mouth at CES. Read More...
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CES 2014 Hands On: PlayStation Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of January 2014 - 05:32 PM ]
Sony unveiled PlayStation Now at this year's CES and had a little taste of it on the show floor. Here's what I discovered while giving it a whirl. In case you have missed the announcement, Sony has announced PlayStation Now as a new video game streaming service coming to the PS4, PS3, PS Vita, and Bravia TVs in the near future. Think of it along the lines of OnLive or the PC game streaming feature from GameFly but aimed at PlayStation games and at Sony products solely. That is the general gist of things but here's a bit more of a break down for you. Read More...
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CES 2014 Hands On: Steam Machine
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of January 2014 - 10:50 PM ]
The Steam Machine is one of the hot items at this year's CES and I was lucky enough to get all handsie with one of the units and controllers. What did I think? The Steam Machine had to be one of the top things I wanted to check out at this year's CES in Las Vegas, NV and it just happened to be the first thing to kick off my experience. To those who don't know what they are you can check out more info here so I don't have to get into the details of the device(s). For those of you who do have a clue, then read on and see what my I think. Read More...
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Review: Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014
by Kenton Winkfield [ Thursday, 22nd of August 2013 - 10:20 PM ]
Back in April, I wrote an article showcasing what I had seen of Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 during my interview at PAX East. I had been waiting for the game to be released so I could hop into it and get my first look at the new Magic The Gathering 2014 Core Set expansion since, as always, I knew that all MTG players will get their first look and get to play with the cards first in DOTP. I was also excited to see what the new game type would be, since the last two games introduced Archenemy and Planeschase. When the day Magic The Gathering: Duels of The Planeswalkers 2014 released, I immediately lost myself in the game. Read More...
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