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This Week In Video Games 12/28/15 — 12/30/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of December 2015 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games There we go with our last week in video games and we tried to end on a bang. Even during the times when video game news is slim to nil we brought you what we could. It was a lot of Rise Of The Tomb Raider and Friday The 13th news but we also had a nice review out there for Amplitude. Also the fluff of free PlayStation and Xbox games coming early next year. All sorts of great video games and news to go along with them. Read More...
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Review — Amplitude
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 29th of December 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Amplitude We sit down and review Amplitude. It's been 12 years in the re-making so there is a lot to live up to. Did they do it? Here's our review of Amplitude It is hard to believe that Amplitude originally came out back in 2003. It truly doesn't seem like that long ago but none the less Harmonix has come together again, with the help of a successful Kickstarter, to bring Amplitude off of the PS2 and onto the PS3 and PS4 for the new generation. This isn't just a port but a true remake of Amplitude. Of course fans of the game have a lot of expectations here and now is the time to dig in and see if they were met. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 11/30/15 — 12/4/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 5th of December 2015 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Another week in video games has come to a close and we are all better for it. It has been another doozy of a week in video games with this one housing not only The Game Awards but the PlayStation Experience. With all of that comes a lot of updates and announcements. Announcements like Bound from Plastic and Batman from Telltale Games. Read More...
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Amplitude Has A Set List & A Release Date To Prepare For
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of December 2015 - 06:00 PM ]
Amplitude The release date for Amplitude has been revealed as well as the track list of the songs we will be destroying in Amplitude once said launch happens The wait for Amplitude is almost no more as it is official hitting the PS4 on January 5th for all to download and play. Harmonix has been working hard to bring this PS2 classic title back into the fold with a new version of the game and a lot of us are ready to get back in. Amplitude was one of those fun college dorm games I remember and fell in love with so there is no doubt that I am ready for it finally hit very early next year. Well next year for those who didn't help out with the Amplitude Kickstarter in a huge way… If you happened to be one of those backers for Amplitude that threw down at least $40 then your wait will be even less as you'll have access to the game on December 23rd. Read More...
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The New Amplitude Will Let Us Team Up On Expert Players
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of March 2015 - 10:01 PM ]
A new trailer for Amplitude and gameplay mode have been revealed by Harmonix for the upcoming PS3 and PS4 crowd-funded title It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I had my hands on Amplitude and now we are getting the next major update for the multiplayer coming with the game. Over on the PlayStation Blog it was just announced that Amplitude will have a team based multiplayer mode added into the mix for the new edition of the game. The reasons behind this being to combat the issue of friends getting together to party play and one of them just happens to be an Amplitude master; thus making the whole experience pretty crappy for the rest of the new players to the game. Like gamers would ever do that to anyone at all… Anyways, yes, Amplitude will have a 2v2 and a 3v1 multiplayer mode added into the free-for-all mode that was all the rage oh so long ago. Read More...
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Amplitude Is Now Set For A Summer 2015 PS3 & PS4 Release
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of January 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
The team from Harmonix working on Amplitude have updated their Kickstarter informing that the game will now be delayed until this summer for the PS3 and PS4 Sad news for all of us out there who were hoping to be playing Amplitude this coming March. We will not be playing the game this coming March as the game has now been delayed until sometime this summer. This sad update comes directly from the team over at Harmonix working on Amplitude via the Kickstarter updates. Most likely to go un-noticed by the gaming community as a whole but not those who have backed the project and were hoping to get the game earlier than it will be now. Read More...
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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Amplitude
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of December 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To Check Out Amplitude; A Reboot Of The Famed Harmonix Game Of Yore We all wanted Amplitude and we all are getting Amplitude for the PS3 and PS4 thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign for the game. This is one of the first Harmonix titles I ever became addicted to and I am glad to see the legacy may be living on. In fact I was one of the lucky people who were able to take Amplitude for a spin in its current stat at the PlayStation Experience. Just in case you were not so lucky let me break it down for you on how the game as progressed up until now. Read More...
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Harmonix Is Trying To Bring Us Amplitude On The PS3 And PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of May 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Harmonix has kicked off a Kickstarter project to try and bring Amplitude to the PS3 and PS4 due to fan request. Nostalgia is a powerful thing and motivator in our world. It looks like all of you who have been pining for an update or sequel to Amplitude are going to get your wish as long as you are ready to pay a little. Harmonix has started up a Kickstarter for this game that many have fallen in love with over 12 years ago on the PS2. Why the campaign? Read More...
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Unplugging The Amplitude
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 05:15 PM ]
Rock Band Unplugged Does anyone else remember a little game Harmonix made oh so long ago called Amplitude? Where you flew a space craft around on different tracks and shot down "notes" to keep the beat, vocals, etc. going on a song playing in the background. You could upgrade and change your avatars and ships based on your scores. Also had some kick ass music that has yet to be fully seen on any of Harmonix's current projects. Ring a bell? Read More...
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