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Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of May 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead We sit down and review The Walking Dead: Michonne — What We Deserve. This is the final episode of Telltale's take on one of The Walking Dead's fan favorite characters. Here's our review on how they did Here we go as The Walking Dead: Michonne has come to an end and the story arc of one of the fan favorite characters has been fleshed out even more. Telltale Games set out to tell us a great story and fill in a rather sizable gap in the character's story from the comic books. It was over a year gap for the comic book readers and much longer for all of those in The Walking Dead universe. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Comes To Its Conclusion Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead The final episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne has been given a release date as well as some new screenshots and how we all played The Walking Dead: Michonne's last episode All good things must come to an end at some point and The Walking Dead: Michonne is one of those mini-series that is doing just that. There was nothing hidden on Telltale Games' side of things as they made sure we all knew this story arc was only three episodes long and now that third episode is hitting us all on April 26th. That would be next Tuesday from the posting of all of this so hopefully you are all caught up on everything The Walking Dead when it comes to the comics and the game thus far. Read More...
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Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead We sit down and review The Walking Dead: Michonne — Give No Shelter. This is the second episode of Telltale's take on one of The Walking Dead's fan favorite characters. Here's our review on how they did The story of The Walking Dead: Michonne continues on and we have played the second episode of the game and story. All of which was designed by Telltale Games to better understand the titular character in the comics. She was in a rough place before and then came out on the other side. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne's Second Episode Looks To Ramp Up The Action
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of March 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead The trailer for The Walking Dead: Michonne's second episode has dropped and just like the TV version of The Walking Dead it looks like the action is in high gear The second episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne is out tomorrow and it is time that we all prepare for it. Telltale Games has released a new trailer just for this episode and it looks like all of the action and intensity have been cranked up to eleven here as we continue the path along Michonne's story from the comics. As a reminder for those who forgot or didn't know yet, The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series is bridging the gap in the comics from the point where Michonne leaves and then comes back. So far it has explained a lot and then some. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Will Be Giving No Shelter By End Of March
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead A release date for The Walking Dead: Michonne's second episode has been set and we get a nice look at all the choices made in The Walking Dead: Michonne so far & how they played out Last we saw as The Walking Dead: Michonne's first episode was released after a lot of anticipation. For the most part my gripes about it were on the nitpick side of things and the big issue I had was that I had to wait to play episode two. Thankfully it looks like Telltale Games is keeping to their loose release schedule and we are now going to see the continued adventures of The Walking Dead here by the end of the month. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 2/22/16 — 2/26/16
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 27th of February 2016 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games We blasted right though that week of video games now didn't we? It was a lot faster than some of those games out there but that doesn't downplay the number of titles we had to cover this week. From the rumored BioShock Collection popping back up to the last bit of Mortal Kombat X DLC news to cover. We even found time to cram in two more reviews for King's Quest and The Walking Dead: Michonne all while trying to keep you as up to date on all the news in the video games industry. We do good work. Read More...
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Review — The Walking Dead: Michonne — In Too Deep
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of February 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead We sit down and review The Walking Dead: Michonne — In Too Deep. This is the first episode of Telltale's take on one of The Walking Dead's fan favorite characters. Here's our review on how they did When it comes to some great storytelling The Walking Dead graphic novel is one of the best. When you look at video games the first name that comes to mind is Telltale Games. While they have been no stranger to telling stories in The Walking Dead universe they have yet to tackle anything that is directly affecting to the story of the graphic novel. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Has Just Walked Onto The Scene
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of February 2016 - 10:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead The Walking Dead: Michonne's first episode is now out and we have a new trailer to celebrate this new bit being added into The Walking Dead comic storyline The wait is now over as the first episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne is now out on almost all of the platforms it has been developed on. Sooner or later Telltale Games will be able to hit everything in all regions all at once but until then we will have to deal with a very slight lag time between the general major platforms and the mobile platforms. There is already so much of The Walking Dead on the later it is probably not that noticed when there is a few days in delay so maybe it isn't that big of a deal. Read More...
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Have A Sneak Peek At The Walking Dead: Michonne's Opening
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of February 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead During an event over the week end the first six minutes of The Walking Dead: Michonne was shown off and it was as intense as anything The Walking Dead has given us so far Not only is The Walking Dead show back from its break but we are on the verge of The Walking Dead: Michonne from getting its debut episode for the mini-series. Of course there is a lot of speculation going around about the game and where it will take the story that bridges the comics but Telltale Games hasn't given us too much to go on for it all. As of yet. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Is In Too Deep & Releasing Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of February 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead The release date for The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series has been given and soon we will see how this story will expand on one of The Walking Dead's favorite characters Looks like the timeline originally given for The Walking Dead: Michonne mini-series is completely on par as we will be seeing the first episode of the game on February 23rd. At least if you are planning on playing the game on console or PC. All of those mobile gamers out there will be looking to wait until February 25th to score the episode and find out what Michonne was doing during here gap in The Walking Dead comics. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 11/30/15 — 12/4/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 5th of December 2015 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Another week in video games has come to a close and we are all better for it. It has been another doozy of a week in video games with this one housing not only The Game Awards but the PlayStation Experience. With all of that comes a lot of updates and announcements. Announcements like Bound from Plastic and Batman from Telltale Games. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Is Now Its Own Stand-Alone Series
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of December 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead New update for The Walking Dead: Michonne lets us know that it will no longer just be a The Walking Dead spin-off but its own stand-alone title Looks like The Walking Dead: Michonne is going to be a bit different than what we all expect as it has been confirmed that it will now be its own stand-alone title. This news of course comes from Telltale Games' Head of Creative Communications, Job J Stauffer, along with the news that we will get our first look at The Walking Dead: Michonne during The Game Awards. Not only that but is also looks like it will not be releasing this month but if it has become its own beast then the extra time is completely welcomed. Read More...
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The Walking Dead: Michonne Could Be Released Really Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2015 - 10:59 PM ]
The Walking Dead New details about The Walking Dead: Michonne have silently been released online and we can expect to see the next installment of The Walking Dead franchise soon Back at E3 this year it was announced that the next installment to The Walking Dead franchise will be The Walking Dead: Michonne. This is mini-series that Telltale Games is working on to tell the tale of what Michonne was up to during her small stint away in the comics from issue #126 to #139. All of which crammed into a nice little three episode stint to expand the whole The Walking Dead universe just a bit. Read More...
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