Does anyone else remember a little game Harmonix made oh so long ago called Amplitude? Where you flew a space craft around on different tracks and shot down "notes" to keep the beat, vocals, etc. going on a song playing in the background. You could upgrade and change your avatars and ships based on your scores. Also had some kick ass music that has yet to be fully seen on any of Harmonix's current projects. Ring a bell? Do a google search.
No Harmonix isn't rolling out another version of this game, at least not what this article is about. Not totally.
Below is a video clip for the new Rock Band on the PSP, Rock Band Unplugged. It shows off all the avatar changing goodness from the main PS3, XBox, and Wii versions of this game as well as how one might play through the loveable ABC song (Jackson 5) might play out. Although I don't think that is the actual notes for the song in the background. I could be wrong. How does this tie into the above mention of Amplitude though?
Watching the game play, although poorly spliced with the other functions of the game, you see that you can jump from track to track to play which ever portion of the song you wish to play. Much like Amplitude, only there are no fun space ships or weird backgrounds going on. But the game play looks identical.
It will be interesting to see how pressing only a few buttons to strum and drum, and some how, sing within the game. I'm guessing my above assumptions with most likely be on par. But well have to see how it all plays out. Here's everything for your viewing pleasure.