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PlayStation Experience Hands On — Apotheon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
While At The PlayStation Experience I Was Able To Check Out Apotheon; A Side Scrolling Title That Lets You Play As The Greeks Told Stories Apotheon was a title I heard about via the PlayStation Blog and something that piqued my interest from the start. In all honesty it has been the visual style of the game as well as the premise that Alien Trap is going for with this little PC/PS4 title coming out next year. It was these things that forced me to track the team down at the PlayStation Experience and actually get Apotheon in my hands to give it the really godly test as I should. There is a whole level dedicated to my main man after all. Read More...
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