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AggroCast — Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2024 [Episode Twelve]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 30th of October 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Horror Nights The crew heads out for a night of town to check out Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2024 and a few other fun things along the way The AggroCast crew takes the voyage out to check out Universal Halloween Horror Nights in Hollywood, CA. Join them as they are joined by Ike again as they dive into the experiences leading up to the night. Experiences that explore various places around town, a chocolate factory restaurant, Super Nintendo World, and then the various haunts and scare zones within the park for 2024. Fun and frights we had, along with some interesting takes on various other aspects of it all. Read More...
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AggroCast — Women Of Wrestling 2024 [Episode Eleven]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 23rd of October 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Women Of Wrestling The crew heads out for a night on the town to check out what the Women Of Wrestling Superheroes are showing off to the world The AggroCast crew is joined by Ike in the latest episode of the podcast. A new member to join in just as they head out to check the first nationally televised event for Women Of Wrestling. All hosted out in Las Vegas, NV to showcase some of the Superheroes who are bringing the fun to us all once more. The team recaps the fun of the event and some of the culinary pitfalls that came about as they hit downtown Las Vegas for a night of wrestling fun. Read More...
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AggroCast — Reviewer Wellness Check-In For Mr. Hartgrave [Episode Ten]
by Raymond Bruels [ Friday, 30th of June 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Review We check in on our guest reviewer Mr. Hartgrave to see how he has been enjoying the review titles we have sent over The AggroCast crew is joined by Mr. Hartgrave in the latest episode of the podcast. They have put Mr. Hartgrave through the wringer with a few reviews so far, with more to come, and it is time to hear the feelings about all of that. Listen in as they all talk about the process, titles, and what is coming down the line for these special reviews being done out there. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. Read More...
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AggroCast — Let’s Talk Summer Game Fest [Episode Nine]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 21st of June 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Summer Game Fest The AggroCast is ready to dive into Summer Game Fest, all that it showed, ups, downs, and why Summer Game Fest could be bad for us The AggroCast crew is back and ready to talk about the recent Summer Game Fest. Many of you have most likely watched it out there, but here we go with a deeper dive into what it is and what was shown off. Also, David has even more words to have about Summer Game Fest and the various other streams that took place around it. Get ready to hear more ranting on why this is a terrible thing for the industry and gaming consumers in general. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — Getting Ready For Diablo IV [Episode Eight]
by Raymond Bruels [ Friday, 2nd of June 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Diablo The AggroCast is ready to dive into Diablo IV and relive some of the past and what was shown off in the Diablo IV Beta The AggroCast crew is gearing up for the full release of Diablo IV. Hades had a chance to experience the Closed Beta and Server Slam and Raymond has a long history with the title. Listen in as they talk about their hopes, dreams, fears, and theories on what could be coming in the final version of Diablo IV. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — Interviewing Mr. Hartgrave [Episode Seven]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 24th of May 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
podcast The AggroCast is joined by Mr. Hartgrave for the latest podcast as they dive into video games and other horror elements in the world The AggroCast crew is joined by Mr. Hartgrave in the latest episode of the podcast. You've seen and heard him in some of the gaming reviews we have had here recently, and now we get to know him a little better in the latest podcast. Have a listen to them all complain more about Marvel Strick Force and various other elements of the industry that are good and bad for us all. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — E3’s Cancelation [Episode Six]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 17th of May 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
E3 The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into The Cancelation of E3 And Why Conventions Like E3 Are Needed For The Consumer The AggroCast crew has some words to say about the cancelation of E3 in 2023 in the latest episode of the podcast. Okay, it is more David has a lot of words to say about the E3 cancelation. Partially as the long-term journalist going to the convention for over a decade. Partially since Ray was a bit under the weather during the recording but was still a superstar to press on through. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — Marvel Strike Force [Episode Five]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 3rd of May 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Marvel Strike Force The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into Marvel Strike Force and some of the shadier sides of the mobile game The AggroCast crew has some words to say about the mobile game Marvel Strike Force in the latest episode of the podcast. Ray and David dig into what the game is, how hard it can be for new players to get into the mix of it all, if Marvel fans should pay attention, as well as the predatory aspects that the app has built in to abuse those with gambling/gaming addiction. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. That means you can listen and subscribe on iTunes if that is how you want to go. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — GDC 2023 [Episode Four]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 26th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
GDC The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into GDC 2023 and all new and emerging technologies that GDC had to offer up the gaming world The AggroCast crew had the opportunity to take in what this year's GDC had to offer up out of San Francisco. Raymond sits down with David to go over the many different things that were a highlight for GDC this year. Some of it mo-cap, some of it physics engines, and some of it how AI could be changing the game. Pun intended. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — GenghisCon 45 [Episode Three]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 19th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
GenghisCon The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into GenghisCon 45 and all of the different tabletop experiences GenghisCon had to offer The AggroCast crew had the opportunity to head out to GenghisCon 45. Raymond and David are here to give you a nice little feel for the convention, how long it has been going, some of the fun experiences to be had, and how the gaming community is becoming ever more diverse out there. Even if someone had to suffer through some rough snows to get there… You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. That means you can listen and subscribe on iTunes if that is how you want to go. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected — Super Nintendo World [Episode Two]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 12th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Nintendo The AggroCast Is Out With A New Episode As the Team Dives Into The New Super Nintendo World Out There For All Of The Nintendo Fans The AggroCast crew had the opportunity to head out to the new Super Nintendo World out at Universal Studios Hollywood. Raymond and David are here to give you all a nice little rundown of their experiences, their loves, their hates, and more commentary to help you decide if you want to make the pilgrimage out to the park yourself. Universal Parks invited us out for this event, granted us free access to the park, gave us free Power-Up Bands, and offered us the meals that we discuss in the episode. We spent our own money buying souvenirs. Read More...
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AggroCast Resurrected: Episode One
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Podcast The AggroCast podcast is out with a new episode to give you more of all of that gaming news and updates in a fun podcast form The AggroCast is back and Resurrected from the dead with Ray Bruels and David ‘Hades’ Becker bringing our podcast back to life. Get re-introduced back to some of the crew, hear what is on the way to the site and new podcast, and also celebrate someone’s fifteenth anniversary on the site. Get ready to join us all for the ride once again in a new podcast form. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode One Hundred Two: Looking Forward to Fall
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 17th of August 2012 - 06:27 PM ]
You are shocked. Brian, Corey and Matt return to the Aggrocast after only one week. Topic for this episode is looking forward to the fall release lineup. Yes, the guys promised to do it quarterly, but why not just have one good blowout episode with our excitement abounding for games like Assassins Creed III, Far-Cry 3, Torchlight II and Halo 4. The guys also spend a few not-so-quiet minutes revisiting last week's debate on Facebook games. While you're listening, don't miss out on Whatcha Been Playing, the Community Spotlight and another 5-question Care / Don't Care. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode One Hundred One: Niching the MMO
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 8th of August 2012 - 09:27 PM ]
Brian, Corey and Matt return the Aggrocast to former glories. Before you ask whether or not the Aggrocast had glory to begin with, think about how you view Massively Multiplayer Online games. Now that you're thinking about MMOs and how to categorize them, join the guys as they discuss business models, how to categorize MMOs and whether they are dropping out of the mainstream. The debate further continues as they discuss what constitutes a MMO and where this genre is going. While you're listening, don't miss out on Whatcha Been Playing, the Community Spotlight and a special 5-question Care / Don't Care. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode One Hundred: The Epic Reunion
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 15th of June 2012 - 04:23 PM ]
This is it. The episode you've all been waiting for - number 100. I bring in a bunch of new and old friends to podcast together. We talk video games, last week's E3 and reminisce the humble beginnings of Aggrogamer and the Aggrocast. The first half of the show has regular characters Matt and Corey, as well as Aggrogamer's own Chief Editor, fresh from E3 2012, David Becker. I'm sure you'll be as surprised as I was to hear Matt with a static free microphone. We hit up a lot of topics, but chief among them is the recent hullabaloo over the "attempted rape" scene in Tomb Raider The second half of the show is a little lighter and full of nostalgia as I bring the band back together. Read More...
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