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E3 2012 Impressions: Dead Space 3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of June 2012 - 11:28 PM ]
Talk about an awesome announcement at this year's E3, Dead Space 3! Yes I am one of those people out there who still love the franchise even though EA is milking it for everything. But Dead Space was one of the games in the recent years that revitalized the survival horror genre for me. Needless to say I did everything I could to fit in a viewing of the game. While originally this was shown behind closed doors at the show, recently the game's Executive Producer (Steve Papoutsis) posted a video showcasing exactly everything we all got to see on the show floor. I was nice enough to include the 20 minute game play footage show casing the single player and co-op for you below. Read More...
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E3 2012 Impressions: 007 Legends
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of June 2012 - 08:37 PM ]
I know what you are thinking, why is Activision trying to milk the franchise even more, especially since the last two attempts fizzled out and left a sour taste in a lot of gamers' mouths? It did for me too. So I was a bit sketchy on actually giving 007 Legends my time at E3. But I did and I'll be honest that what I saw should have been the way that the company should have gone in the first place by trying to capture the amazingness that was Golden Eye. So the demo started off with a quick overview of the first "mission" announced base on the film Moonraker. It is a more modern re-telling of the story from the film and is the first of six films that will be in the game's over all storyline. Read More...
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E3 2012 Impressions: Call Of Duty: Black Ops II
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of June 2012 - 05:01 PM ]
It is still no big surprise that Black Ops II was one of the bigger titles being shown at E3 this year. Even with all the gripes I hear about "another Call Of Duty game?" it still had lines snaking and wrapping the Activision booth. So that to me shows that both A), y'all like to bitch just to bitch and B) the fans obviously still want the franchise to continue on. Either way, here's a bit of what you all might have missed out on from the trailers. Before I go into some of the new stuff, it looks to play like *gasp* a CoD game. Read More...
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E3 2012 Impressions: Star Trek
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of June 2012 - 11:11 PM ]
Last year we got to see a very behind closed doors presentation of the new Star Trek game. So closed doors I had to wait until an embargo lifted after E3 2011 to talk about it. This year was quite the opposite. In fact while I was leaving my appointment from seeing Borderlands 2 I took a wrong turn on the show floor and ended up walking down a corridor from the Enterprise leading into a transporter room where myself and a plethora of other fans were whisked away to see the presentation. Below you can see some of the side by side video from the presentation, but let me fill you in on what you don't get to see. First to clear up confusion on the below video, each side is done in the point of view of which ever character you would choose from the beginning. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Borderlands 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of June 2012 - 08:20 PM ]
Borderlands 2 has probably got to be one of the biggest sequels coming to market this year and yours truly here got a nice 30 minute hands on with the game. Not only that, but I got hands on with the Assassin class that has yet to be playable until E3. Well at least to the general public that is. So let me break down what I got to play and give you a bit of detail into a few things Borderlands 2. Before anyone asks, they didn't really go into detail on the character creation/progression in the game and I didn't have time to dig into the three trees of the Zer0. But as you can assume they all mostly revolved around things that would make you a better, sneaky killer. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode One Hundred: The Epic Reunion
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 15th of June 2012 - 04:23 PM ]
This is it. The episode you've all been waiting for - number 100. I bring in a bunch of new and old friends to podcast together. We talk video games, last week's E3 and reminisce the humble beginnings of Aggrogamer and the Aggrocast. The first half of the show has regular characters Matt and Corey, as well as Aggrogamer's own Chief Editor, fresh from E3 2012, David Becker. I'm sure you'll be as surprised as I was to hear Matt with a static free microphone. We hit up a lot of topics, but chief among them is the recent hullabaloo over the "attempted rape" scene in Tomb Raider The second half of the show is a little lighter and full of nostalgia as I bring the band back together. Read More...
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