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It Is Time To Virtually Step Onto Pandora With Borderlands 2 VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of October 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Borderlands A new version of Borderlands 2 is coming this holiday season to take us deeper into the immersion with Borderlands 2 VR now It looks like it has finally happened as Gearbox Software has announced their next title to come to us and it is Borderlands 2 VR. You were most likely hoping for the true third to the franchise, but it looks like we are taking a dive into the VR side of it all. You will need to have a PSVR system as it is currently only listed for that platform there, but at least you will be able to play Borderlands 2 again in a new way. Not that it is much different than a normal first-person shooter, but there will be a few new things here to make sure you bite onto this little lure. Read More...
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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming March 2017
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of March 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in March has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with March and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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Here's How We Should Play Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of March 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
With Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection launching this week on the PS4 and Xbox One it's time to see how we should be player the games again Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection is out in short time here for the PS4 and Xbox One. Tomorrow (3/24) to be completely on the ball here and to make sure you know when you can pick up yet another remastered set of games this time from Gearbox and 2K. We can't have all of those gamers out there whom only own an Xbox One and/or PS4 miss out on all of the Borderlands fun so here we go with Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection to bring them a good chunk of the franchise in short order. You know what the impending launch of Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection means right? Read More...
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The Handsome Collection Brings Borderlands To The PS4 & XB1
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of January 2015 - 06:00 PM ]
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection has been announced from 2K and Gearbox and is bring two of the franchise's titles to the PS4 and Xbox One We apparently wanted it so 2K is bringing the Borderlands: The Handsome Collection to give all of those PS4 and Xbox One players a chance to enjoy the franchise on their new shiny consoles. They've only been out for over a year now so we need more of the old shit rehashed to pay for the future of the development studio and publisher for the Borderlands franchise. Also to allow for a "new generation" of gamers to experience the titles that came out during their generation but that is neither here nor there. Read More...
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Rumor Mill: A Borderlands In-Between-Quel Is In The Works?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
New rumors have cropped up that there will be a Borderlands title to gap the five years between the games. Hey fans of Borderlands and Borderlands 2. Have you ever wondered what happened between both titles to take Handsome Jack the proper villain he is stated to be? Well if the new rumors from GamePointsNow are to be believed that is what e 2K Australia is cooking up for us with a Borderlands 2 prequel. I would argue that Borderlands would be the prequel to that game myself but for now we will use the name that is being reported Borderlands: The Pre-sequel. All go into the nuts and bolts of what is being claimed in a second for this Borderlands in-between-quel but wasn't 2K Australia supposed to not be the name used anymore? Read More...
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Happy Valentine's Day From Borderlands 2!
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 10th of February 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
With Valentine's day fast approaching love is in the air and what better way to spend Valentine's day as a gamer couple then playing some co-op in the loot fest that is Borderlands 2? Well, the new DLC pack will please all. The fourth Headhunters pack, Mad Moxxi And The Wedding Day Massacre, is centered on a marriage between the Hodunk and Zaford families from Borderlands 2. The main theme this go around is love. With the main quest line consisting of finding ingredients to make a love potion for Moxxi. Read More...
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New Poker Night From Telltale
by [ Thursday, 4th of April 2013 - 07:09 PM ]
Big news in the world of witty cross-over card game simulators. Telltale Games has recently announced that Poker Night at the Inventory is getting a sequel. According to the Telltale's website, “Poker Night 2 is the unnecessary sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory! In the original game you played poker with a bunch of weirdoes for fame and fortune Team Fortress 2 items and the satisfaction of beating the odds.” The original game had you playing against Max from Sam&Max, Strong Bad from Homestar Runner, The Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and Tycho from Penny Arcade. This time around you will be able to play against Max’s partner Sam, Claptrap from Borderlands, Brock Sampson from Venture Brothers, and Ash Williams from Evil Dead. Read More...
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Incoming Phat Loot Weekend For Borderlands 2
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 26th of October 2012 - 05:14 PM ]
If you own Borderlands 2 and have a Twitter account, then you should know by now that Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox, and Gearbox Software tweet out Golden Key codes that can be redeemed using the "SHiFT" program on Borderlands 2. These codes last for about three hours and have a "once per account" use. Golden Keys are used to open a special golden loot chest in Sanctuary. The higher your level, the better the loot. Read More...
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Why So Serious?
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 23rd of October 2012 - 10:27 PM ]
I think the Joker summed up the past few years of video games quite well, with his famous saying "Why So Serious!?" It seems that today's industry has dropped the light-hearted and comical games of yester-years for a more gritty, hardcore, and serious tone. While I'm not saying these "serious" games are bad, I am saying that a break from them would be much appreciated. Video games are not all about world wars, political sabotaging, or saving the world from a cliché ultimate evil. We came from a very humble beginning, a beginning of stomping on weird brown monsters, using rainbows to squash bugs, and controlling fat pink things that suck up anything in their path. Read More...
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Review: Borderlands 2
by Kenton Winkfield [ Thursday, 27th of September 2012 - 05:06 PM ]
I first experienced Borderlands 2 at PAX East, where I got to play the demo and see some of the new features it had to offer. Five months later, I am running through the game with the excitement of a little boy picking out his presents at a toy store. Borderlands 2 takes players into (or back into) Pandora to take on a new evil, who in turn is trying to resurrect an old evil. The journey will require skill, determination, allies, and guns. Lots of guns. Read More...
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Borderlands 2: 101
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 30th of August 2012 - 06:26 PM ]
Since Borderlands 2 is coming out in just over a few weeks, I felt it would be good to give you guys the low down and all the info that we know about Borderlands 2. First off, let's start with the classes; we got four new classes to choose from: Characters: Salvador (The Gunzerker) is "about as subtle, classy, and sane as one would imagine a native of Pandora to be. Which is to say: not at all. He loves blowing people up, getting paid, and laughing incessantly at the violence that surrounds him. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Borderlands 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of June 2012 - 08:20 PM ]
Borderlands 2 has probably got to be one of the biggest sequels coming to market this year and yours truly here got a nice 30 minute hands on with the game. Not only that, but I got hands on with the Assassin class that has yet to be playable until E3. Well at least to the general public that is. So let me break down what I got to play and give you a bit of detail into a few things Borderlands 2. Before anyone asks, they didn't really go into detail on the character creation/progression in the game and I didn't have time to dig into the three trees of the Zer0. But as you can assume they all mostly revolved around things that would make you a better, sneaky killer. Read More...
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PAX East Hands-On: Borderlands 2
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 11th of April 2012 - 04:17 PM ]
Borderlands 2 is a massive improvement from the first installment. The controls are super smooth and tight. The feeling of level grinding seems to have disappeared, thankfully. Having other colors in the game, rather than just brown, has really showed off the rich and beautiful landscape that the world of Pandora has to offer. I got to play as the new Siren in the game: Maya. Her special ability stuns her enemies in a blackish purple vortex allowing you to get off some free shots. Read More...
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New Borderlands 2 Trailer Brings The 'WubWub'
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 27th of February 2012 - 05:38 PM ]
The guys over at Gearbox Software have released a new trailer for their upcoming sequel to their smash hit Borderlands simply titled Borderlands 2. I loved playing Borderlands, the questlines; the stories and the loot were all hilariously amazing. Not to mention it has one of my favorite zombie stories ever, Zombie Island of Dr. Ned DLC which is just how a zombie story should be. The new trailer features a lot of "Wub Wub" dubstep garbage, but it can be easily muted via the volume bar on your player. Read More...
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Top 10 Games We Cant Wait For In 2012
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 17th of January 2012 - 08:07 PM ]
With the beginning of the end of the world behind us a bit, we at Aggrogamer would like to share with you guys what we are most looking forward to in the next year. So without further adieu here are the games we're most excited about in 2012. Darksiders II Developed by Vigil Games and published by THQ, Darksiders II takes place during the same time period as the original Darksiders; players will be taking control of Death who is War's fellow horseman and brother. Featuring a new location that is said to be twice as big as the original game, a single quest hub will be connecting to a numerous amount of dungeons, one certain city area will feature more dungeons than the original Darksiders. The game will also feature some Loot, dropping from encounters and as rewards for doing main and side quests. Read More...
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