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New Poker Night From Telltale
by [ Thursday, 4th of April 2013 - 07:09 PM ]
Big news in the world of witty cross-over card game simulators. Telltale Games has recently announced that Poker Night at the Inventory is getting a sequel. According to the Telltale's website, “Poker Night 2 is the unnecessary sequel to Poker Night at the Inventory! In the original game you played poker with a bunch of weirdoes for fame and fortune Team Fortress 2 items and the satisfaction of beating the odds.” The original game had you playing against Max from Sam&Max, Strong Bad from Homestar Runner, The Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and Tycho from Penny Arcade. This time around you will be able to play against Max’s partner Sam, Claptrap from Borderlands, Brock Sampson from Venture Brothers, and Ash Williams from Evil Dead. Read More...
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Team Fortress 2 Releases The Pumpkin Patch
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 30th of October 2009 - 02:19 PM ]
Alright Team Fortress 2 fans, it’s Halloween and the TF2 crew has put together a new update to bring in the holiday fear. “The Terrifying Team Fortress Haunted Hallowe’en Special” went live today and will continue on until November 2nd. This holiday update is a goody bag of tricks and treats, from Exploding pumpkins, a ghastly gimbus (wtf?) and "Mildly Disturbing Halloween Hats". If that’s not enough for you, there is a new community map as well as 5 achievements (listed below) to unlock over the next couple of days. Read More...
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Valve Spanks "Bad" Servers
by Brian Bentley [ Sunday, 15th of March 2009 - 02:12 AM ]
Announced in the Team Fortress 2 blog, Valve has begun a process that will be de-listing servers they deem as "bad."  Using number of connections and player time on the server as the main factors in judgment, they calculated a score for each server and those servers in a certain block (my guess is a percentage), were removed from the master server listing system.  Password-protected and low-use (less than 200 connections) servers were excluded from the search and destroy mission.Once again Valve is making owning one of their software titles a treat and a vacation from released garbage put on shelves only to remove $50 or $60 from your pocket. Read More...
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TF2 Scout Update is Here, Game Now Very Cheap
by Sam [ Wednesday, 25th of February 2009 - 10:37 PM ]
The newest Scout update for Team Fortress 2 is now live with new unlockables such as The Sandman, Bonk! Energy Drink and lots more. The new weapons unlock show a new double barrel shot gun and the Force-A-Nature which will be the first ones unlocked, just 10 to 35 achievements to get them. Also, Team Fortress 2 is now on sale 50% off like Left 4 Dead last week, meaning that the game is now only $9.99 in U.S. Read More...
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Create Your Own Achievements in L4D and TF2
by Sam [ Sunday, 22nd of February 2009 - 05:41 PM ]
If you're one of those achievement whores you might be interested in this, a generator that lets you create your own achievements for Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2. It allows you to give it your own title, description and a list of achievement icons for you to pick. The generator gives two codes, one is a standard URL and the other is an embed to post on the forums.Left 4 Dead Read More...
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New TF2 achievements - Fair or Foe?
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Monday, 5th of May 2008 - 11:12 PM ]
With the upgrades to Medic and the introduction to the new achievement system in TF2 - The Medic has been the first class to receive the honor of earning achievements and upgrades. However, have the developers given the medic too much power? If you've been playing some TF2 lately, odds are you've noticed an increase in the amount of medics playing, players uber-charged and people just not dying. Although the new upgrades have helped to turn the game play up a notch - I've began to notice that like with many games, players have found a loop hole in the system and it seems practically impossibly to kill a freaking medic!  Double Uber - when two medic uber-charge themselves - is by far one of the most frustrating things I've come to witness. Read More...
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by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 30th of April 2008 - 04:24 AM ]
Team Fortress 2: Gold Rush Update ( is now available, free to owners of Team Fortress 2 via Steam, a leading online platform for PC games with over 15 million accounts worldwide. The Gold Rush Update introduces the new Gold Rush map and Payload gameplay style, the first set of unlockable weapons, and a new set of achievements for the Medic.Valve also announced a worldwide Team Fortress 2 Free Weekend will begin Friday at noon PDT, and will include access to the new content released today in the TF2: Gold Rush Update. Using the functionality made available through Steam and Steamworks, all of the files needed to join the Free Weekend are available for pre-loading now. Read More...
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Team Fortress 2 Content Coming
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 04:13 PM ]
Shacknews reports that Valve plans to release new content for their popular multiplayer shooter Team Fortress 2 the week of April 20. The content will include the new map Goldrush which will contain the new gameplay mode called "Playload". It will also contain new unlockable weapons for the Medic class. Read More...
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Team Fortress 2 Update Released
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 04:46 PM ]
Team Fortress 2 Updated versions of CP_Dustbowl, CP_Badlands, and CTF_Well with several exploit fixes Fixed Linux build not handling FCVAR_REPLICATED and FCVAR_NOTIFY cvars correctly Plugged an exploit where the server could send executable code to the client Fix client crash on exit while processing game stats Updated the Stats Summary screen to remember your previous selections each time you open the menu and while changing levels Added mp_stalemate_at_timelimit ConVar for server admin to allow SuddenDeath when mp_timelimit hits on non-Valve maps Updated CTF mode to remember the player who stole the intelligence from the enemy base and reward that player if the flag is captured by someone else Replace underscores in map names with spaces so custom maps with names like cp_gravel_pit will show as "GRAVEL PIT" Hitting F4 while the tournament mode "Ready" countdown is active won't automatically set a team to "Not Ready" Fixed auto-screenshots not being taken at the end of the map during tournament mode Fixed gates being closed during the pre-round time during tournament mode Fixed GetDynamicBaseline crash Fixed rare animation triggered sound crash Restart your Steam client or launch the game to begin the updating process. Read More...
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