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Universal Fan Fest Nights Is Opening Things Up For New Experiences
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of January 2025 - 06:00 PM ]
Universal Universal Studios is now kicking off the Universal Fan Fest Nights this coming April with tickets available right now The teasing and waiting is mostly over for those who were interested in the upcoming Universal Fan Fest Nights out at the Hollywood parks this year. This would be something similar to the Halloween Horror Nights that we have seen and experienced in the past, only that this time Universal Studios will be gearing up for less horror-themed experiences for a month or so. It is still an after-hours event that is going on just with the likes of Back To The Future, Star Trek, One Piece, and Dungeons & Dragons getting the highlight over the traditional horror IPs that the other event has. That and this is more of a celebration for the fans instead. Read More...
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Universal Horror Unleashed Shows Off What New Frights Will Be Coming Next Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of October 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Horror Unleashed New horror will be unleashed with the opening up of the Universal Horror Unleashed experience for us all to interact with Those who have been paying attention around here might have caught a few little bits bout the upcoming Universal Horror Unleashed that is in the works. We spoke about it on the Halloween Horror Nights podcast and alluded to it in a few other of the interactive experiences we have talked about. This would be the year-round experience that Universal Studios is setting up in Las Vegas, NV that broke ground last year and is now slated for 2025 to open up. But, now that this year's horror season is coming to an end, it does look as if we have one more big update to look at for Universal Horror Unleashed. Read More...
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AggroCast — Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2024 [Episode Twelve]
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 30th of October 2024 - 05:00 PM ]
Horror Nights The crew heads out for a night of town to check out Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2024 and a few other fun things along the way The AggroCast crew takes the voyage out to check out Universal Halloween Horror Nights in Hollywood, CA. Join them as they are joined by Ike again as they dive into the experiences leading up to the night. Experiences that explore various places around town, a chocolate factory restaurant, Super Nintendo World, and then the various haunts and scare zones within the park for 2024. Fun and frights we had, along with some interesting takes on various other aspects of it all. Read More...
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Jurassic World Alive Is Going To Have Us Hunting For Dinosaurs
by Duke Searles [ Wednesday, 7th of March 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Jurassic World A new AR mobile game, Jurassic World Alive, is coming and it will have us out there hunting and creating just as we see in Jurassic World… sort of Get ready for another mobile game to get you up and moving around as Jurassic World Alive is coming and will get us further into the franchise's universe than we have ever been. This is another AR title coming that will get us off our seats and out into the world looking for all of the different dinosaurs that Ludia and Universal want to put out there for us. Much like Pokémon GO! Read More...
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Oh The BioShock Film That Could Have Been…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 31st of December 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
Concept art for the canceled BioShock movie has been released online showing off the direction that the film could have taken If there was one franchise that could have made the jump into films easily it was BioShock. The environments, the characters, the story, and well everything about it could have easily made the jump. Unfortunately at this time BioShock will not be gracing the silver screen in a film sort of way. The project was canned a while back due to having the funds slashed from $200 million to $80 million. Read More...
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Silent Hill: Revelations Looks Like It Will Further The Franchise Well
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of July 2012 - 09:52 PM ]
It has been a little over six years since the first Silent Hill film hit the screen and a lot of us have been clamoring for a sequel, myself included. It has been one of the best video game franchises to move over into film and at this year's San Diego Comic Con we were given a look at a bit from the sequel, Silent Hill: Revelations. You might have already noticed below that there is a video clip from what we saw, but there is another that is not included. One that is a lot creepier and features the Mannequin from the franchise. Read More...
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