If there was one franchise that could have made the jump into films easily it was BioShock. The environments, the characters, the story, and well everything about it could have easily made the jump. Unfortunately at this time BioShock will not be gracing the silver screen in a film sort of way. The project was canned a while back due to having the funds slashed from $200 million to $80 million. Let's face it. To do BioShock justice in that medium it is going to take some hefty funds given the location and sets required and that is even if you get no-name actors working for chick feed.
So while we may never see BioShock in film form, we do have a nice look at the direction that it was going in before being scrapped. This is due to the film's concept artist, Kasra Farahani, releasing the work that was done for the film in the early stages. This is not the first we've seen but this new work does show off more of the environments and Big Daddys that were going to be gracing the BioShock film. You can see the other concept work that has been released here if you are interested in seeing it all and not just the new stuff that has made its way into the internet fame.
Looking at all of the concept work for the BioShock film it is a bit puzzling as to why it was scrapped overall. It looks like all involved had a good grasp as to what the fans of the franchise would want in a BioShock movie as well as make it creepy for those who have no clue what BioShock is. I could also be reading more into all of what was shown but it does look damn cool the direction it was headed into before getting the ax. Maybe one day it will be resurrected and we will get a great video game to movie adaptation of BioShock. Until then these images are all that we have to look at and enjoy.