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Review: Silent Hill: Revelation 3D
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of November 2012 - 06:58 PM ]
It's been six years since we got the damn decent video game movie Silent Hill. Now we fans can rejoice as Silent Hill: Revelation is here. Given the down time we should expect something along the same quality correct? Well I got to check it out, so if you are on the fence about seeing it yourself, let me give you a nudge one way or another. The Story: Years after the events of Silent Hill we follow the tale of Heather and Harry Mason, or as you might remember them Sharon and Christopher Da Silva. They are on the run for reasons to be revealed in the film. Read More...
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Silent Hill: Revelations Looks Like It Will Further The Franchise Well
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of July 2012 - 09:52 PM ]
It has been a little over six years since the first Silent Hill film hit the screen and a lot of us have been clamoring for a sequel, myself included. It has been one of the best video game franchises to move over into film and at this year's San Diego Comic Con we were given a look at a bit from the sequel, Silent Hill: Revelations. You might have already noticed below that there is a video clip from what we saw, but there is another that is not included. One that is a lot creepier and features the Mannequin from the franchise. Read More...
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