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AggroCast Resurrected: Episode One
by Raymond Bruels [ Wednesday, 5th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Podcast The AggroCast podcast is out with a new episode to give you more of all of that gaming news and updates in a fun podcast form The AggroCast is back and Resurrected from the dead with Ray Bruels and David ‘Hades’ Becker bringing our podcast back to life. Get re-introduced back to some of the crew, hear what is on the way to the site and new podcast, and also celebrate someone’s fifteenth anniversary on the site. Get ready to join us all for the ride once again in a new podcast form. You can also listen to the AggroCast podcast on your favorite streaming services too. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 5/2/22 — 5/6/22
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of May 2022 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week I do not know about you, but I am glad to see this week finally come to an end and we can finally dive right into all of the video games we have out there once again. It was a bit of a rough one around here, but at least we have titles like Evil Dead: The Game and Sifu to bring the spirits back up for us all. Maybe I do need to take one of those LARP retreats and check out Black Shield Productions as others on the team had a chance to do. Read More...
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Interview - Black Shield Productions
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 2nd of May 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
BSP We sat down with founder and Game Master, Greg Schneider, of Black Shield Productions (BSP) at their weekend retreat to learn more about them and what they have to offer. In short, BSP weekend retreat is a roleplaying getaway filled with hobbits, elves, superheroes, kobolds, old friends, new faces, laughs, and of course space pirates. Black Shield Productions (BSP) is a team of over half a dozen professional game masters, with thousands of hours of XP storytelling and role-playing. Together they provide role-playing and event-themed experiences for all levels of players. Read More...
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My First Experience In The World Of Dystopia Rising
by Julia Schoebel [ Thursday, 3rd of January 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
Dystopia Rising Surviving the zombie apocalypse of Dystopia Rising is rough but fun for all no matter how much you know of the game and setting It has been several generations since the world has come to a cataclysmic ending. Humanity has risen, fallen, and slowly endured in the remaining rumble left behind. Strange mutations have developed in the radiation, creating new generations of humanity. Each unique in abilities and leery of outsiders. Read More...
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LARPing With Game Nation
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2010 - 05:13 PM ]
So I have this idea. What if we build a theme park and make it an all video game themed so you can re-live your gaming experience? Sounds awesome right? Wait, someone already thought of that idea? And are looking for a location to build it? Well dang it all! If you don't know what I am talking about, Game Nation is going to be a name you will be hearing for quite a while as they are gearing up to make our live-action role-playing dreams come true as they are in search for a location for the world's first “Experiential Video Game Theme Park and Resort”. So pretty much they are going to be one hell of a LARPing experience to me. Not much was said in the press release except the grand announcement for this theme park and resort. Read More...
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