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Halo 5: Guardians Gameplay Is Already Making It Out To The Public
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of October 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Halo 5 With the release of Halo 5: Guardians almost here it looks like some gameplay from the beginning of Halo 5 has made it online for all to see Given that earlier this week we had the launch trailer for Halo 5: Guardians get released to the world and review copies of the game making their way out there it was only a matter of time before we had some real gameplay to see. In fact, and I am hoping that 343 Industries does take them all down, I have a feeling that we are going to get all kinds of Halo 5 videos here in the coming week to help sell the game. Not that the Xbox One needs any help selling Halo to the fans but I am sure that Microsoft will take whatever is offered up. Read More...
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Can You Take Master Chief Alive In Halo 5: Guardians?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of October 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
Halo 5 A new trailer for Halo 5: Guardians has been released to not only help sell Halo 5 but give us all an overview of the grander story I doubt you need any reminder that Halo 5: Guardians is just over two weeks out from launch. Just in case you needed a reminder then there you go. Halo 5: Guardians will be out for the Xbox One on October 27th. You have been reminded. If you need more of a reminder then you may also be happy to know that there is also a new trailer to show off Halo 5 outside of the overused TV promo you have been flooded with for quite some time now. Read More...
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The Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 Multiplayer 'Beta' Goes Live Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of August 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
If you've pre-ordered Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 then you'll be glad to see that the multiplayer beta goes live next week for those PS4 owners If you've pre-order Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 already then you most likely know that the multiplayer "beta" is about to go live soon. At least it will be going live soon for the PS4 version of the game as that kicks off on August 19th as Sony obviously paid more to Activision this year to get Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 all the early stuff instead. All of the Xbox One players and PC players who pre-ordered Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 will still be helping stress test Treyarch's servers on August 26th so don't think that they are getting left out in the dark here. Everyone needs to get in on this to make sure the Black Ops 3 multiplayer runs smoothly for everyone; including the non-pre-order gamers out there. Read More...
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We Have Some Pre-Order Bonuses For Halo 5: Guardians
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of April 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
GameStop has announced the pre-order bonuses for Halo 5: Guardians with a new trailer showing how the hunter can become the prey If you need more incentive to pre-order Halo 5: Guardians then it looks like GameStop has something to entice you even more. Not only is there the multiplayer beta access you should be getting later this year on your Xbox One but now fans of the franchise will be getting an exclusive Spartan Locke armor and helmet set as well as some Hunter-class armor for that aforementioned multiplayer beta. All the goodies to make 343 Industries game that much easier to play and beat. We wouldn't want anyone to have absolutely no advantages in Halo 5: Guardians now would we? Read More...
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This Is What The Halo 5: Guardians Multiplayer Beta Looks Like
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 31st of December 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
New screenshots for the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta on the Xbox One have been placed online for those who are not in the beta yet If you are part of the Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer beta then none of what you are about to see is going to be all that exciting. In fact you may want to move on as you have seen all of the footage live and in play already; hopefully. For everyone else then we have a bunch of new screenshots from 343 Industries to show everyone who has yet to pre-order Halo 5: Guardians or turned on the beta what they may be missing out on. Although it seems odd to think that anyone who would have access to the Halo 5: Guardians would not have been balls deep in it just yet… To be honest it looks just as we all would have thought Halo 5: Guardians to have looked. Read More...
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Become An Agent Of The Inquisition With The Dragon Age: Inquisition Multiplayer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of August 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Multiplayer is now a feature in Dragon Age: Inquisition and we have a new trailer to show off how BioWare and EA are implementing it into the game Yea, you read that right; Dragon Age: Inquisition is getting multiplayer mixed into the game. To be honest I am surprised that it took this long to get a multiplayer option into the franchise as it seems like it would be a decent fit. At least that is how I saw it back in the Origins day as the game played a lot like other titles that had a good multiplayer mixed in for the genre. I guess BioWare and EA wanted to make sure the franchise felt different and are just no getting around to adding in a touch of multiplayer. Read More...
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Free Multiplayer Maps Coming To The Last Of Us
by Greg Tatterfield [ Friday, 22nd of August 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Both PS3 and PS4 versions of The Last Of Us are receiving new multiplayer maps for free Naughty Dog has announced that their post-apocalyptic hit The Last Of Us will be getting two free Multiplayer maps for factions mode. The free maps are to make good for the long wait times for matchmaking and will be free for both PS3 and PS4 versions. Naughty Dog’s website thanks fans for their patience and says that working on the matchmaking is their number one priority. Matchmaking issues has been eased a bit due to live updates and patch 1. Read More...
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Review: Call Of Duty: Ghosts [Multiplayer Mode]
by Greg Tatterfield [ Monday, 18th of November 2013 - 06:16 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Call Of Duty: Ghosts. This Is The Second Part Where We Cover The Multiplayer Of The Game The new Call Of Duty is here and it’s that time again for players to put many hours into the games' multiplayer. This time it's Infinity Ward up to bat with Call Of Duty: Ghosts. This is part two of our Call Of Duty: Ghosts review and you can check out our Campaign review here. Hated The annual Call Of Duty games are usually pretty solid but Ghosts' multiplayer has some glaring issues that can’t be ignored. Perhaps the biggest issue is the spawning. Read More...
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Review: Rush Bros.
by Kenton Winkfield [ Saturday, 8th of June 2013 - 04:50 PM ]
I always enjoy listening to music when I play games. But not many games actually utilize the ability to use your own soundtrack in the game. You have Audio Surf or Beat Hazard which are directly influenced by your music but not enough games take this idea and run with it. We have another game to add to the list now. From brand new Indie developer and publisher XYLA Entertainment in collaboration with Digital Tribe Games, makers of such games as Velvet Assassin, Kung Fu Strike, and others, comes a brand new musical 2D racing platformer called Rush Bros. Rush Bros. Read More...
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Need For Speed Most Wanted Multiplayer Trailer
by Greg Tatterfield [ Wednesday, 15th of August 2012 - 11:17 PM ]
Criterion has released the full multiplayer trailer for Need For Speed Most Wanted at Gamescom. The trailer shows that the multiplayer will be filled with multiple challenges that you can face your friends with. The challenges include jump, takedown and drift. Most Wanted’s multiplayer will support up to 12 players and will feature free roam. Just as Criterion has said in the past the game will have no lobbies and will have players meet up between events. This feature will eliminate any waiting and will always have you driving and exploring Fairhaven City. Read More...
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Gears Of War 3 Beta Death Montage
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 25th of April 2011 - 09:34 PM ]
YouTube user "Doominated" was kind enough to capture all the executions found in the Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Beta. The below highlight reel showcases some brutal, visceral and outright over the top executions ranging from brutal beat downs with bare hands to decapitations via a shield. As I watched this video, I cringed a lot. Not to mention some "OH, THAT'S MEAN!" and other screams of torment mixed in. Read More...
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Ah, The Dedication To Gears Of War 3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of April 2011 - 03:27 PM ]
You've dedicated your gaming life to Gears Of War, isn't it time to see how much dedication Epic Games is giving to Gears Of War 3? It would be nice to see that they are giving at least a small portion of the same dedication and love. Some of you out there have permanently altered your flesh for the game and franchise, something that I have yet to publicly see from any of their staff. Well below you will see the dedication that the team is giving you. Not to mention a good deal more of the game play and details abound for the multiplayer. Read More...
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Dead Space Is No Longer A Solo Horror
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of September 2010 - 08:13 PM ]
Generally in a survival horror game, the protagonist is left isolated and alone for the game with only getting a few "human" interactions along the way to help drive the progression of the game. Think back and see that I am right on this. Are you done? Good. That said, doesn't this seem the age of multiplayer for multiplayer's sake lately? So it should seem no real shock that another great survival horror - in this case Dead Space 2 - has taken on the need for multiplayer. Not a first for the franchise if you think back to the Wii rail-shooter Dead Space: Extraction, but that wasn't truly a survival horror, was it? Read More...
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An InFamous Uncharted Killzone Resistance Among Thieves
by Kevin [ Monday, 25th of January 2010 - 04:28 PM ]
Looks like Naughty Dog is serious about bringing some eye-opening DLC to their blockbuster title, Uncharted 2. On the 28th of this month there is going to be an overflow of new skins to adorn your multiplayer experience. As Naughty Dog proclaimed over at the Playstation Blog, "Thanks to our friends at Guerilla Games, Insomniac Games and Sucker Punch Productions, we’ve been able to a pull off something unique within the UNCHARTED 2 competitive multiplayer modes – our first DLC release is the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack. The PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack contains seven new skins featuring some key personalities from other major PlayStation first-party titles – Sev and a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2, Nathan Hale and a Chimera from Resistance 2, and Cole (both good and evil variants!) and Zeke from inFAMOUS. Read More...
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Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Impressions
by Brian Bentley [ Sunday, 8th of November 2009 - 03:07 AM ]
The impressions on the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer you are about to read are from our owner and friend, Andy Briggs.  When he isn't melting people's faces off on Xbox Live, you can find him on and  Well with the release date on a few days away. I figured I would toss in my impressions of the multiplayer. Of course, it is quite reminiscent of the previous CoDs, this one just has a bit more of a special touch to it. Mainly, what I am talking about is the different types of achievements (can't remember what they are called) that accumulate to many different points. Read More...
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