As before, there are challenges that you must complete in the barracks, but one thing that I had found interesting as I started to run through the assault rifle challenges, that there are quite a bit of different attachments. Let me break into this more. As you would expect, there is the red dot, and the acog (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight), but to add a twist, they added the holographic red dot, this isn't that much different but it is slightly more accurate. One of the attachments that blew me away was the thermal acog scope. It's exactly how it sounds. It's thermal and it also zooms in a bit more than the normal acog, and you can also hold your breath as if it's a sniper rifle. This is really cool for those maps where it is hard for your character to see. Along with the thermal scope, the other new attachment they added was the heartbeat screen thing. I forget what it's called, but basically it's an attachment that shows you where the the other team/player is. Think of it like the UAV. These are spread across the majority of the weapons so you can now have fun trying to get those.
There are also more guns, and the m16a4 isn't the first weapon you get. It's actually when you reach level 44(? might be 40). I haven't gotten it yet, but I am sure it destroys faces.
On to the maps!
The maps are extremely detailed. They are definitely a step in the right direction. Although, I did notice in most maps, there are a lot of places to camp :( and if you know me, you know I hate campers (OH GOD DO I HATE CAMPERS). Almost all of the areas are accessible and easy to move around. The actual flow of the maps was very well thought out. They definitely keep the flow of the game moving to different sides/directions. Even with a game of all campers, it still manages to keep the flow intact. I am not sure how many maps there are, but I know i played quite a few of them, way more than Call of Duty 4, and Call of Duty: World at War on release date. This should help keep things fresh for quite some time. Maybe they did it so it'll be longer til they have to update and release map packs, but let's hope that Infinity Ward doesn't fuck up the support with this one on the amount of maps they decide to release. Anyway, rather than rant and be even more angry with IW (especially after their stunt with the PC version), I will move on.
Kill Streaks
This is one HUGE update. There are sooo many different options with this, I don't think I'll be able to get into it all, but I can give you a basic idea of how it works and what the big deal is. With your kill streaks, you are limited to a set number of 3 (from what I can guess is that you can unlock more than 3, but don't quote me on that). What you can do is specify what type of kill streaks you want to use. Such as UAV, air strike, NUCLEAR STRIKE and so on and so forth. There is quite a list. These all range from 3-25 kills in a row. 3 being the UAV (of course) and 25 being the nuclear strike. You can specify the 3 that would like you use. Right now I have the UAV, helicopter, and nuclear. I know I probably won't get the nuclear strike anytime soon, but it's still cool to have it on just in case for that one moment ;) Of course I can go into this more, but you'll just have to play around with it to get the full effect. Reading this won't do it justice.
Not sure if you all know, but martyrdom is no longer available. I am sure that will make a lot of people happy. There is also no juggernaut (THANK GOD). I think they might of actually done a good job with the perks. I'm not gonna tell you what perks they have now, cause you have to be a little bit surprised, right?
Things I Like
I really like the multiplayer in general. The matching is just as quick as it was before, which is good to see. The other parts that I really like are just the combos to get points. It encourages you to be a bit more tactical when you're playing. One thing that surprised me is how accurate the guns are now. Some may call it auto aim, others like myself call it a step in the right direction. It's not exactly the easiest to use a controller and aim at someone 3 blocks down from you and kill them. One of the reasons I like this is because it is with the flow of the map/match.
Things I Don't Like
The spawning system. For the love of god, IW, please fix this. I can't tell you how many times I was killed upon re-spawning; it is absolutely ridiculous. In fact, it seems worse than it was before, if that is even possible. I'm gonna play some more (obviously), so hopefully it'll be better, but I highly doubt it, well because, I played it for like 8 hours today.
Overall, this is just as good as everyone predicted, probably a bit better for consoles. I can't include PC because I don't plan on buying the PC version with the shit they pulled. I think everyone will have fun with this and as previous Call of Duty games, it's very accessible to n00bs and pros.
Source: Pwned Blog