"Thanks to our friends at Guerilla Games, Insomniac Games and Sucker Punch Productions, we’ve been able to a pull off something unique within the UNCHARTED 2 competitive multiplayer modes – our first DLC release is the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack. The PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack contains seven new skins featuring some key personalities from other major PlayStation first-party titles – Sev and a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2, Nathan Hale and a Chimera from Resistance 2, and Cole (both good and evil variants!) and Zeke from inFAMOUS. The UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack will be available for purchase globally on the PlayStation Store on January 28, 2010, for $4.99 in the US. If you’re outside of the U.S., check your local Store or announcement for region specific pricing." |
No word on if these skins will come with any unique abilities, though in all likelihood they won't. However, I'd love to play through the single player using a Chimera skin. The cinema sequences would be hilarious.
There is also a demo dropping for the few who haven't played the game, but really, such a person doesn't exist at this point. And if they do, why are they your friends?