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An InFamous Uncharted Killzone Resistance Among Thieves
by Kevin [ Monday, 25th of January 2010 - 04:28 PM ]
Looks like Naughty Dog is serious about bringing some eye-opening DLC to their blockbuster title, Uncharted 2. On the 28th of this month there is going to be an overflow of new skins to adorn your multiplayer experience. As Naughty Dog proclaimed over at the Playstation Blog, "Thanks to our friends at Guerilla Games, Insomniac Games and Sucker Punch Productions, we’ve been able to a pull off something unique within the UNCHARTED 2 competitive multiplayer modes – our first DLC release is the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack. The PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack contains seven new skins featuring some key personalities from other major PlayStation first-party titles – Sev and a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2, Nathan Hale and a Chimera from Resistance 2, and Cole (both good and evil variants!) and Zeke from inFAMOUS. Read More...
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Uncharted: Santa's Fortune
by Kevin [ Friday, 25th of December 2009 - 02:21 PM ]
Well, with holidays comes gifts of some sort and the fine folks at Naughty Dog are at it again. Instead of overweight Drakes however, this time you'll get characters adorned with Christmas hats and a Double Cash weekend.This go round it will be from Thursday, December 24, 2009, at 10:00 AM PST through Sunday, December 27, 2009, at 11:00 AM PST. Not only will you gain double for your trouble with kill, but for medals as well. At this rate I would expect there to be something for the New Year with everyone in the New Year Baby's diaper. Read More...
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And The 2009 VGA Winners Are....
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 13th of December 2009 - 05:18 AM ]
On December 12th of ’09, Spike TV held their 7th annual Video Games Award. The Nominees were in, the ballets were turned in and it was time to find out who won. We could go through every award, but we all know we just want to know who won the 2009 Game of the Year. Well the Nominees for Game of the Year were Assassin’s Creed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. After having to wait about two hours we finally got our answer. The winner was PlayStation 3's own Uncharted 2, from Naughty Dog. Read More...
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Uncharted 2 DLC this week
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 28th of November 2009 - 06:51 PM ]
Did you say free! I love free! Uncharted 2 is hooking everyone up this week with some brand new DLC for FREE! The new multiplayer map for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves which is also the first DLC for Uncharted 2 also comes with some new features for the competitive player. In addition, we’ve added a couple new features to the Multiplayer menu – Leaderboards and a player card. You will be able to check out how you stack up against your friends or where you stand on the Global stats in the following real-time Leaderboards: Competitive Wins Co-op Kills Money As you hop from match to match, the new player card will provide you with a instant snapshot of your vitals: level, competitive wins, kills, money, co-op points and your current booster loadout. More screenshots of the Leaderboards and the player card are in our Flickr gallery. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Forty Six: PC Cheers and Jeers
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 23rd of October 2009 - 08:25 PM ]
This episode your Aggrocast crew cover games we've been playing (Uncharted 2, Brutal Legend, and more). We throw out some great Bargain Bin pickups for this show as well. We finish it all of with discussions on recent CoD: MW2 PC news, September PC NPD Numbers, and Sony EyePet. Please be sure to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune martketplace. Your support is key to spreading the word about Aggrogamer and Pwned. Remember to send any questions or comments to aggrocast@aggrogamer. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode 45: Tweet Tweet
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 19th of October 2009 - 08:53 PM ]
Episode 45 of the Aggrocast is up and ready, but not much going on this episode, as the crew discusses a few games they managed to play like Aion, Halo: ODST and Left4Dead. Along with their bargain bin titles, they also discussed Pwned Game Nights coming back in November and Uncharted 2's twitter integration, and where it may lead. Please be sure to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune martketplace. Your support is key to spreading the word about Aggrogamer and Pwned. Read More...
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Review: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of October 2009 - 07:39 PM ]
Here we go again with the new age Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider game that we all loved, quite literally, 2 years ago. Only this time, it's a different artifact being tracked and a new villain for Drake and friends to out smart. All of it has a very epic, action film taste to it. Evading guards, traversing a modern warfare and running through the snow in Tibet make for a great adventure along with a very witty and humorous feel mixed in. Now we've all heard and seen the hype for this game. It was selected as Best of Show at E3 this year and is already slated to capture best game of the year. Read More...
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Find Your Fortune In Uncharted 2
by Kevin [ Sunday, 11th of October 2009 - 04:14 PM ]
The general consensus of Uncharted 2 is that it's going to be an extraordinary experience with a level of polish that is going to blow us all away. Honestly, I would have been satisfied if they just gave a straight sequel with none of these bells and whistles that they are offering with this sequel - I just enjoyed it that much. Thankfully, no one over at Naughty Dog listened to me and not only are they about to drop one of the most anticipated titles of the year, they are getting together with Sony to award some Fortune Hunter Editions of the game to some lucky gamers (as if we really needed additional reasons to play the demo). For those not in the know, included in this package is the game, exact in-game replica of the Phurba Dagger Artifact and stand, Collectible Art Book and Collector case autographed by Naughty Dog, and a bunch of DLC. Read More...
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Can't Gamers Play With Themselves Anymore?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of August 2009 - 07:48 PM ]
Multiplayer: The Book Burning Generation The other night I was driving home at 1 am with the God of War soundtrack playing in the car. As the game music, with mixed in audio clips from the game, was playing through my car speakers, I began to think on how truly epic the story of this game was. Not epic as in awesome, even though it is, but more in lines of how it actually fell in line with the Epic writings of the Greeks. Think the Odyssey and Iliad for what I mean. It soon sparked in my head on how games like this are looking to be a bit more few and far between in the current state of things. Read More...
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Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Revealed
by Ben Brody [ Saturday, 25th of April 2009 - 05:33 AM ]
Preordering Sucker Punch's inFamous will get you more than just one good game, it'll get you into a multiplayer beta of another blockbuster game, Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Completely unknown is what the multiplayer entails. Co-op would be nice, though it wouldn't be suitable for a beta. Deathmatch would be cool too, as would capture the flag and a headquarters style game. More details should emerge on Monday when SCE makes their "electrifying announcement". Read More...
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Public Leaking At GDC 2009
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of March 2009 - 05:09 PM ]
Videos Leaked From GDC 2009 While the Game Developers Conference that just took place in San Francisco just last week isn't the largest place for crazy game announcements and substantial news, at least it wasn't my impression, there are always a few little things that get shown off or spoken about while there. A lot of it is also "off the record" type stuff that gets shown and brought up. Or even simpler, a please do not record and show off anything you see in this conference or booth. Read More...
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