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Uncover The Truth In The City Of Immortals With Nobody Wants To Die
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of July 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Nobody Wants To Die The launch of Nobody Wants To Die is here and we can finally see why Nobody Wants To Die in the futuristic New York City of the game It is time to launch into what it is to be an immortal with Nobody Wants To Die. That is, the launch of the game is finally here and we can all jump on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC to check out just what Critical Hit Games and PLAION have put together for this one. A full new experience that takes us into the future where humanity has seemed to cure mortality, hence the immortal part of things, but we still have all of that neo-noir drama that Nobody Wants To Die has drummed up for us before now. As long as you are ready to take on the case and uncover many new clues to find a killer making many out there no longer immortal. Read More...
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Nobody Wants To Die Is Going To Put Immortality & Transhumanism On Display
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of March 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Nobody Wants To Die New York is a new dystopia in Nobody Wants To Die as we get a small look at what Nobody Wants To Die holds for the city's future The Sci-Fi world is about to get another fun dose of fun added into it with the announcement of Nobody Wants To Die. A title that sounds like it would be a normal horror title, but it looks as if Critical Hit Games and PLAION are not going that path with the game. Instead, we are getting a noir story set in a dystopian New York City for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A story that seems like it is going to ask some fun questions while Nobody Wants To Die gives us some explosive gameplay to experience later this year. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Sixty Three: Give Me Twinkies Or Give Me Death
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 15th of March 2010 - 02:32 PM ]
After a minor hiatus, the trio of the Aggrocast are back. We start off with our normal discussion of the games we have been playing. We talk about Heavy Rain, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, World of Warcraft, and Aion. Bargain Binh becomes a Guitar Hero for under thirty dollars, while on The DL has Brian turning into a Mega Man. Mike teaches us how to raise Arizona in Netflix Picks. We finish off the show by discussing some hot news items from the past couple weeks. Read More...
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Aion - A Casual MMO Player's Impressions
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 3rd of November 2009 - 08:38 PM ]
Disclaimer: This is not an official review of Aion, but will be from the perspective of a casual MMO player, and serves more as an impressions of my first month with the game. As of writing this, I have reached level 16 with Asmodyian Assassin and around level 10 with each of my 3 other characters. Aion is the latest MMORPG from Korean developer NCSoft, and was quick to break pre-order records amongst MMO tiles with over 400,000 pre-ordered. Aion utilizes the Crytek engine and produces beautiful results. Aion takes place in the world of Atreia, and you choose one of two opposing races of humans. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode 45: Tweet Tweet
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 19th of October 2009 - 08:53 PM ]
Episode 45 of the Aggrocast is up and ready, but not much going on this episode, as the crew discusses a few games they managed to play like Aion, Halo: ODST and Left4Dead. Along with their bargain bin titles, they also discussed Pwned Game Nights coming back in November and Uncharted 2's twitter integration, and where it may lead. Please be sure to rate and review us on iTunes and the Zune martketplace. Your support is key to spreading the word about Aggrogamer and Pwned. Read More...
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God Of War Looks Even More Bad Ass
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of October 2009 - 11:14 PM ]
Just under a month away from the release of the God of War Compilation and we still have not yet seen any of the solid gameplay and visuals. Well outside of a pirated, cell phone camera clip from GamesCon. Something that was burring and full of Parkinson Cam style shot. So we couldn't really judge if the upgrade will be worth shelling out the cash for the two games again. Although it is less than the price of a single BluRay game, and you do get two full games for that price. But for fans that are not as into this game as me, will the trophies and graphic be enough to drop $39. Read More...
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Review: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of October 2009 - 07:39 PM ]
Here we go again with the new age Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider game that we all loved, quite literally, 2 years ago. Only this time, it's a different artifact being tracked and a new villain for Drake and friends to out smart. All of it has a very epic, action film taste to it. Evading guards, traversing a modern warfare and running through the snow in Tibet make for a great adventure along with a very witty and humorous feel mixed in. Now we've all heard and seen the hype for this game. It was selected as Best of Show at E3 this year and is already slated to capture best game of the year. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Forty Four: Launches, Lawsuits and Laughter
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 11th of October 2009 - 06:47 PM ]
Episode 44 of the Aggrocast has landed and unfortunately for the crew, we have had some busy weeks lately. This has resulted in too few games being played. We do talk about the few we got our hands on, including Halo 3 ODST, Beatles Rock Band, Aion and more. We also bring you some interesting topics this week. We go over the PSP Go launch and Binh discusses his hands on with his launch day system. The possibility looms that I bought one as well, but refuse to say if I did or not. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Forty Three: Exclusives, Leaks and Slip Ups
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 3rd of October 2009 - 08:48 PM ]
This episode was recorded Sep 22nd. We apologize for the delay. The guys are back this episode with no interruption from the girlfriend peanut gallery. They cover the games they've been playing (including Aion, WET and Scribblenauts) and their Bargain Bin titles which include the PC, XBox 360 and Playstation 2 platforms. They also discuss the Modern Warfare 2 XBox 360, PSN and Wii HD leaks, and the Aion launch slip ups. Our next episode will be recorded soon, so look forward to it. Read More...
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Aggrocast Ep 41: Adventures at PAX
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 02:15 PM ]
On Episode 41, the Aggrocast crew discuss Binh's adventures at PAX over the weekend. Talk about the many games he played, the people he met, and the partying. We also discuss the games we've been playing, including Aion, Mini Ninjas Demo, Guitar Hero 5 and more. A point of information for the fans: this episode was recorded on September 6th. We have also changed our recording schedule from Sundays to Tuesdays for a time so look for the next episode later this week! Don't forget you can add to the discussion in the comments below or send an email to Aggrocast@aggrogamer. Read More...
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PAX Hands On Impression: Aion
by Binh Nguyen [ Saturday, 5th of September 2009 - 03:16 PM ]
Arriving a bit late to PAX 2009 in Seattle, Washington and finally entering the Washington State Convention Center. The first game that I went and found was not what you would think. No, it wasn’t to the Blizzard booth to play more World of Warcraft. Instead I headed to the NCSoft booth to play their new Massive Multi-play Online game, Aion. Making a character was easier than I thought it would be and the customization was a lot more detailed as well. After making my female warrior for the game and logging in, I found the cut scene for the game action packed and was very interesting to get into. Read More...
Tags: Aion, NCSoft, PAX, MMO,
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My Wings are now Golden
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2009 - 04:14 PM ]
Last week on the Aggrocast, Michael, Brian, David and myself discussed whether or not Aion will be a bust or a success. Well today NCsoft has announced that the highly anticipated MMO has been released to be manufactured, also known as going Gold. Recently Aion has been gaining a lot of momentum in the in the European and North American online communities, and rightfully so with more than 3 million hours of gameplay logged in Aion closed beta alone.This year at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany, and at Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle, Washington, Aion will be available to play hands-on with the 1.5 version of the game. Read More...
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Aggrocast Ep 38: A Trip to Hades
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 17th of August 2009 - 04:41 PM ]
On Episode 38 of the Aggrocast, the crew is joined up by our Managing Editor, David Becker, known to many as Hades. Aggrogamer's very own lord of the Underworld expounds his thoughts on the current gaming trends, what he's been playing and offers a bargain bin to save your wallet. The crew also looks the current and future state of Massively Multiplayer Online Games with special consideration given towards the soon-to-be-released Aion by NCsoft. Add to the discussion in the comments below or send an email to and get your email read on the air. Read More...
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