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Aggrocast Episode Forty Three: Exclusives, Leaks and Slip Ups
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 3rd of October 2009 - 08:48 PM ]
This episode was recorded Sep 22nd. We apologize for the delay. The guys are back this episode with no interruption from the girlfriend peanut gallery. They cover the games they've been playing (including Aion, WET and Scribblenauts) and their Bargain Bin titles which include the PC, XBox 360 and Playstation 2 platforms. They also discuss the Modern Warfare 2 XBox 360, PSN and Wii HD leaks, and the Aion launch slip ups. Our next episode will be recorded soon, so look forward to it. Read More...
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Review: WET
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 21st of September 2009 - 12:37 PM ]
Are you ready to get WET? Artificial Mind and Movement, the game's developers, sure hope you are. WET has been in the works for a long time, originally set to release under Sierra, but eventually dropped when acquired by Activision. It finally found its home amongst Bethesda Softworks. So will you dip your hands into this title and get them WET? WET, this is a shortened term for wetworks, which involves a messy job that involves hands being wet with blood. This is where our heroine, Rubi Malone (voiced by Eliza Dushku), comes into the picture. Read More...
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It's About Time To Get Wet
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 26th of August 2009 - 10:36 PM ]
One of the more curious titles of the year has presented a demo for PS3 owners and Xbox owners. For the uninitiated, Wet is an action game that combines shooting and swordplay with all kinds of crazy acrobatics. The main character, Rubi voiced by Elisha Dushku, carries twin pistols and a sword and does all of the fun filled John Woo-esque moves that have become standard fare in most action titles these days. One of the better elements of the gunplay is that she automatically target an additional enemy which allows some ease and versatility with your firefight strategy. She also has the ability to fuse attacks together, and your acrobatics aren't limited to flipping off of a wall, but you can substitute a person instead of the aformentioned wall. Read More...
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Bethesda Software Gets All WET
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 27th of April 2009 - 02:52 PM ]
Bethesda Software announced this morning via a press release on their website, that they will be publishing WET for the 360 and PS3. This 3rd person action title from Artificial Mind and Movement (A2M) has finally found its home after a long struggle since its release from Activision. It is being developed for both the XBox 360 and the Playstation 3 and slated for a release this Fall of 2009."We're very excited about the opportunity to bring WET to all gamers," said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. "Our proven success as a publisher which focuses on select, innovative titles matches up perfectly with WET's new class of gameplay. Read More...
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