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The Ghost Of Sparta Returns To The PSP
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 4th of May 2010 - 08:38 PM ]
With the success of God of War III, Sony has just announced that our favorite Spartan will be making his return to the Sony PSP and PSPgo in God of War: Ghost of Sparta. Why are they making another God of War game you may ask? Probably going to kill more Greek Gods. God of War: Chains of Olympus is still the highest rated PSP title of all-time according to So what is in store for us this time around. Read More...
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Is Digital Distribution the Future?
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 02:51 AM ]
It's fairly safe that we can all assume that the future of movies and game sales is digital distribution. How long the duration will be for it to take over is anybody's guess. It will be more determined by the willingness of people to download a game as opposed to having a physical copy than anything else. Delivery systems like GameTap, Direct2Drive and most notably Steam, have been digitally distributing PC games for years and have been met with success. It seems as though PC players are more willing to buy digital distribution than their console counterparts -- maybe because it's been available longer and they feel more comfortable with it or maybe it's because they don't care about having a physical copy since they can not trade it in anyhow. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Forty Four: Launches, Lawsuits and Laughter
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 11th of October 2009 - 06:47 PM ]
Episode 44 of the Aggrocast has landed and unfortunately for the crew, we have had some busy weeks lately. This has resulted in too few games being played. We do talk about the few we got our hands on, including Halo 3 ODST, Beatles Rock Band, Aion and more. We also bring you some interesting topics this week. We go over the PSP Go launch and Binh discusses his hands on with his launch day system. The possibility looms that I bought one as well, but refuse to say if I did or not. Read More...
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Last But Not Least, PSN Content Now On
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 7th of October 2009 - 10:01 PM ]
Nintendo did it, Microsoft did it, now Sony has joined the ranks of content distributors via Yes that's right, now you can head online to your friendly neighborhood and download anything from Sackboy costumes to full blown PSPGo Games. No longer will you suffer the oppression of sales tax, some locations not so lucky. I'm looking at you New York. I have just recently become addicted to the powers of the seductive Amazon, and have currently bought a metric-fuck-ton of books/equipment/bowling shoes, but now it looks like PSN titles and PSPGo titles will be added to my list. Read More...
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LittleBigPlanet Release Date Is PSPGo!
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 6th of October 2009 - 06:04 PM ]
Finally we get a release date! LittleBigPlanet will be released for PSP on November 17th 2009. As if the game on PS3 wasn't addictive enough, now its portable. Who knows what crazy levels people will come up with next! The PSP version will have most of the same functionality as it's PS3 counterpart, along with 35+ new developer created levels. So now when your sitting at the airport and you feel the need to make sack boy run through and amazingly complex level, the power will be at your fingertips. The Sharing and rating features will also be available. Read More...
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Review: Gran Turismo (PSP)
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 2nd of October 2009 - 02:10 PM ]
Gran Turismo PSP, what was supposed to be a launch game (it kinda did in some ways with the PSPGo) in 2004 is finally out now, and available as a download for the PSPGo or a physical UMD for the rest, you alternatively could download the game for any PSP. The graphics are good, really good in fact. The detail that the cars are given is extensive seeing as the game is only about 1.2 gb; the graphics compare to a really good Dreamcast/early PS2 game and runs at a smooth and steady 60fps. The audio is just as good, however some of the sounds do get a bit repetitive. Read More...
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by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 29th of September 2009 - 11:28 AM ]
North American user's usually aren't on the better side of things when it comes to Sony. Sony announced two separate plans, one for Europe and one for North America, regarding owners of UMD PSP's upgrading to the PSPGo. Problem is that the announcement for North America wasn't really a plan rather than a statement."SCEA region will not offer a UMD rewards program at this time," due to the fact that the company has a "dual-platform strategy," an SCEA spokesperson told IndustryGamers. Kotaku got told that the reason was "due to legal and technical reasons we will not be offering the program at this time. Read More...
Tags: PSPGo, PSP, SCEA, SCEE, SCE, Sony,
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PSPGo Games For Free
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 25th of September 2009 - 05:44 PM ]
The PSPGo is getting closer to its release date on October 1st. For those who will be getting one on that day and already have a PSP, you are probably wondering, "What can I do with these UMDs?" How about you use one UMD to get three free games for the PSPGo? How you may ask? I'm glad you asked. On top of the PSPGo having a new, sleek, slimline look it has a built-in 16GB storage space for your favorite games, photos, music wherever you go. Sony plans to get those PSPGo collection started by giving away three full games for free. The PSPGo Reward will allow you to download three titles like: Killzone: Liberation SOCOM: U. Read More...
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Rumor: PSPgo App for August
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 16th of June 2009 - 08:33 PM ]
At E3, "the worst kept secret" that Sony was holding was the PSPgo. Also that this new hand-held would be released on October 1st of this year. But, rumor has it right now, that Sony will announce an iTunes like application store at GamesCom in Germany this August. So what does this have to do with the current PSP? Well you will be able to download games to your PSP from this application store. Also said games and applications will go for $2 to $6. Read More...
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