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Ruin On The PS Vita
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 9th of June 2011 - 02:14 AM ]
Multiple character classes, action based role playing, advancement and loot, Torchlight&helip;I mean Ruin is coming out on the latest announced platform, the PS Vita. It honestly looks like Torchlight/Diablo, but considering it's on the PS Vita I'm okay with that. This is the style of game the mobile platform was intended. Developers Idol Minds are the geniuses behind this gem, who also brought you Pain The Game where you could throw Andy Dick through pretty much anything but a solid building (and then some). This game play trailer brought to you by G4TV. Read More...
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New PSP Go Promotion Gives New Owners Free Games
by 345 [ Wednesday, 2nd of June 2010 - 01:15 PM ]
A new promotion was announced on the PlayStation Blog yesterday for the PSPGo. Anyone who buys the handheld from now until March 31st, 2011 will receive three free game vouchers. The games included are: Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3, and Little Big Planet. Overall this is a solid set of games, but unfortunately the SCEA bundle pales in comparison with the SCEE deal, as anyone in Europe who buys a PSPGo gets 10 free games with their purchase. This offer pretty much confirms that we won't likely be hearing about a PSP2 anytime soon, and more importantly it shows that SCEA is still doing an incredibly awful job at marketing the PSPGo in the US. This is evident as there is still no price drop in sight for the PSPGo. Read More...
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by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 29th of September 2009 - 11:28 AM ]
North American user's usually aren't on the better side of things when it comes to Sony. Sony announced two separate plans, one for Europe and one for North America, regarding owners of UMD PSP's upgrading to the PSPGo. Problem is that the announcement for North America wasn't really a plan rather than a statement."SCEA region will not offer a UMD rewards program at this time," due to the fact that the company has a "dual-platform strategy," an SCEA spokesperson told IndustryGamers. Kotaku got told that the reason was "due to legal and technical reasons we will not be offering the program at this time. Read More...
Tags: PSPGo, PSP, SCEA, SCEE, SCE, Sony,
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MTV Games Appoints 2 new Execs
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 30th of June 2009 - 06:55 AM ]
What's to do when your company posts a $431 million loss? Leave! Which is exactly what Scott Guthrie did about a month ago. The former Executive Vice President of Publishing for THQ was officially hired on as Executive Vice President and General Manager for MTV Games. Also joining MTV Games as Senior Vice President of Sales is David Cox the former Senior Director, Sales, and Merchandising Executive at SCEA. “With our acquisition of Harmonix to our relationship with Jerry Bruckheimer Games, Inc., MTV Games has quickly risen to become one of the top five video gaming publishers. Read More...
Tags: MTV Games, SCEA, THQ,
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Jack Tretton = Pissed. Alternate Title, the PS3 Slim is real, now what
by Ben Brody [ Saturday, 13th of June 2009 - 04:40 PM ]
Sure, Jack Tretton was all fun and games (pun totally intended) at this year's SCEA E3 Press Conference, but being pissed in front of several hundred journalists wouldn't serve any good purpose. In a recent interview with CNBC, Tretton, the CEO and president of SCEA, expressed major disappointment in the fact that many of Sony's big E3 announcements got leaked beforehand. The PSP Go!, the PS3 Motion Controller, Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker (the newest MGS for the PSP) and Gran Turismo (also for the PSP, and it should be noted that it had already been announced at the 2004 E3) were all leaked before the conference. Read More...
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Greatest Hits Round 2
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 28th of May 2009 - 04:19 PM ]
Do you smell it? It’s going to be all over the place. It’s the PS3's newest additions to the greatest hits library, all of which will be priced at $29.99 and on shelves by June 16th. Here is the list: Army of Two, EA (March 4, 2008) Battlefield: Bad Company, EA (June 23, 2008) Devil May Cry 4, Capcom (February 5, 2008) Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, SCEA (April 15, 2008) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Konami (June 12, 2008) Ratchet&Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, SCEA (October 23, 2007) So I really have questions about this list, as in where is Heavenly Sword, and what about Uncharted? Yes, the games listed above are valid and have the right to be a part of the Greatest Hits library, but some of the titles are not even a year old yet. Now they are already part of the Greatest Hit library? Read More...
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Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Revealed
by Ben Brody [ Saturday, 25th of April 2009 - 05:33 AM ]
Preordering Sucker Punch's inFamous will get you more than just one good game, it'll get you into a multiplayer beta of another blockbuster game, Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Completely unknown is what the multiplayer entails. Co-op would be nice, though it wouldn't be suitable for a beta. Deathmatch would be cool too, as would capture the flag and a headquarters style game. More details should emerge on Monday when SCE makes their "electrifying announcement". Read More...
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