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Review: Mini Ninjas
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 12th of October 2009 - 12:39 PM ]
Let me start out by saying I really enjoyed this game. I was really excited about the game when I first heard about it but as time went on I became concerned it would be too childish. Yes it’s very cartoony and yes when you kill creatures they turn into fuzzy animals, but somewhere in the midst of all that I had a blast playing this game! The game-play is very simple and even the story line is not to complex, so it’s perfect for kids. With that in mind I was highly intrigued by this game. Read More...
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Aggrocast Ep 41: Adventures at PAX
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 02:15 PM ]
On Episode 41, the Aggrocast crew discuss Binh's adventures at PAX over the weekend. Talk about the many games he played, the people he met, and the partying. We also discuss the games we've been playing, including Aion, Mini Ninjas Demo, Guitar Hero 5 and more. A point of information for the fans: this episode was recorded on September 6th. We have also changed our recording schedule from Sundays to Tuesdays for a time so look for the next episode later this week! Don't forget you can add to the discussion in the comments below or send an email to Aggrocast@aggrogamer. Read More...
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Mini Ninjas Demo Available This Week
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 19th of August 2009 - 12:04 PM ]
This Thursday a demo for Mini Ninjas will be released for download simultaneously on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. While the PS3 and 360 versions will be available via the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace respectively, PC gamers will have to download the demo directly from the games website Read More...
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Mini Ninjas at E3
by Corey Dockendorf [ Saturday, 30th of May 2009 - 12:21 AM ]
To say that I am excited about Eidos' new game Mini Ninjas is an understatement. I think I'm going to get some smoke bombs and adorn my office in samurai swords and kendo armor. One of the games that Eidos' will be debuting as a playable version at E3 is this little gem. Mini Ninjas is the story of a tiny ninja, named Hiro, and his big adventure against an evil warlord, and his quest to save the animals that have been changed into evil samurai, bringing harmony back to the world. From the screen shots it looks like you will be able to navigate through three different characters as well as take control of different animals. There are a few trailers with some game play as well as story and characters on the website. Read More...
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