One of the games that Eidos' will be debuting as a playable version at E3 is this little gem. Mini Ninjas is the story of a tiny ninja, named Hiro, and his big adventure against an evil warlord, and his quest to save the animals that have been changed into evil samurai, bringing harmony back to the world. From the screen shots it looks like you will be able to navigate through three different characters as well as take control of different animals. There are a few trailers with some game play as well as story and characters on the website.
I have to say this is one of those games that hasn't been talked about much, but I think it will be one of the more fun games seen at E3.
The best part is that it looks like it will be across all platforms, PS3, Wii, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo DS. Warner Bros is also part of the project, and IO interactive (the guys that brought you Kane and Lynch, and Hitman)
If your heading to E3 check this game out at the Eidos booth, then quickly disappear in a cloud of smoke like most dishonorable ninja!