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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy What You To Know Who They Are
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of October 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Guardians One last trailer for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy offers up a new look and details on what this Guardians game holds for you You can now launch out there with Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Switch, and PC now if you have been able to get all of your excitement under control to press the purchase button. The game has launched and we can see how Eidos-Montréal handled this IP with the story and gameplay the game holds. If you are one of those last holdouts, though, we have here one last push to get you to throw down and join the Guardians on their quest to save us all from some unspeakable horror out there in the universe. Read More...
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It Is Time For Our Plan B With Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of October 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians A new cinematic video for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy offers up how things can go sideways and the Guardians need to go with other plans We are just a week away from the launch of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy and we thought that we might have seen all that Eidos-Montréal wanted to offer up before. It looks like that all might have been their Plan A and now we get to see a bit of the Plan B. That is at least the joke that we are getting here for the Guardians now. Read More...
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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Are Launching Deep Into The Fight
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of October 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians One last trailer for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is here to give us gameplay and more enemies that the Guardians will face off with Here we go with Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy getting ready to launch out there, even if we have a bit more time until October 26th for the game to finally land on the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Okay, so there is still a good bit of time to wait for that, but that does not change the fact that Eidos-Montréal has now dropped the launch trailer for the game to get us all hyped up for the game. That and give us more gameplay with the various Guardians and other characters we will have to deal with. Read More...
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Star-Lord Drops The First Single For Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 8th of October 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Guardians The guardians will have some epic hair metal to help hype them along in the mix of Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy soon Before now, we all new that Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy was going to feature a different type of Star-Lord for us all to enjoy. This version being more of a musician in the mix of things instead of a person that just enjoys the classic recordings from a time long last. Eidos-Montréal has been very upfront about this for us all and made us a bit more excited to see the game launch on October 26th here. To add to that excitement, we get to see just what is going on for Star-Lord and how all of this different style of music will build into the fun of the Guardians out there. Read More...
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Cosmo Tells It How It Is To Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of October 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians A new mission in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is shown off with Cosmo facing off with the Guardians for a greater reason It is time to take in one more look at Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy and a way that a mission can shake out. Not only shake out but another that seems to have a branching narrative point with Cosmo the telepathic dog from the comics and films. We have seen that Eidos-Montréal was going to involve the good ol' boy in the mix, and now it looks to be more involved than we thought. All to the point that it looks like the Guardians will have to deal with him for various reasons and possibly lie to him. Read More...
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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Will Take The PC To New Levels
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of September 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians The PC specs for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy are here to give us all new ways to enjoy our Guardians when it launches We are almost in the end game for the release for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy with October 26th getting closer with every second. That is how time works. As we get closer, I am sure we are going to keep getting more and more for Eidos-Montréal to sell us on the various platforms to come. All of which look like they will show Guardians Of The Galaxy off insanely well, but more so on the PC. This is why we are back here to show off what the PC gamers out there can hope to see if they are able to run it at its best. Read More...
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Explore More Of The Combat To Come In Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of September 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Guardians New videos for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy are here to better explain how the Guardians will explore and fight in these new worlds The first impressions for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy have been flowing out during the week along with some of the gameplay that those other outlets could cobble together. Hells, we had some here for you as well but none of it had any real explanation as to what is going on in the game. Well, beyond some of the basics that we know will be there as we gear up to play with the Guardians in the mix. Read More...
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Explore More Of The Galaxy Coming In Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of September 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Guardians New gameplay for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is out there after some hands-on impressions for the upcoming Guardians title It looks like some samples of the upcoming Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is making its way out there into the world with a few other outlets having their chance to get handsy with the game. Not a massive surprise with us all being a month out from the launch and Eidos-Montréal wanting to make sure it will be well-received when the day does finally come. That and to build a little more hype around the game to boost sales. Read More...
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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Divulges A Bit More Of The Story For Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of September 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Guardians A new story trailer for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is out here to give us a better understanding of what the Guardians will be up to Slowly before the October 26th release date we are getting a bit more of a solid story for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy. At least enough of the story to get us all hooked in with something solid beyond just heading out on random missions with the team, that is. I know I would not be adverse to just having that in general, but I also know that Eidos-Montréal does like to tell their stories in the mix of all of the fun gameplay. Now we have a bit more of that defined for Guardians to take in and get us ready to possibly get things done. Read More...
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Grand Unifier Raker Is Here For Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of August 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians A new scene from Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is here to give us another character from the Guardians line up out there The cast of characters in Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy just keeps getting larger and larger as we inch towards that October 26th release date. Not in terms of playable characters, as Eidos-Montréal has set those for now, but in the way of the supporting cast or antagonists we will have to overcome in the universe. Some of them have been fairly standard and now we are back with a new deep-cut into the Guardians history with the Grand Unifier Raker showing up on the scene to give an offer the team cannot really refuse. No matter how much it looks like they will be trying to get out of it all with the situation seeming rather grim by the end of the trailer here. Read More...
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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Went Through Some Fun Character Designs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of August 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Guardians A new developer video for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy offers up some insight to the new Guardians character designs we have It looks like we have answers to one of the burning questions that some may have had for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy; why are the character designs so different from what we have seen over the recent years? The short answer is that this is Eidos-Montréal’s version of it all and they should be able to make their game without needing to stick to the fan head cannon out there. We also have a longer answer too, and that dives a bit more into the process and thoughts behind each of the Guardians out there beyond making them look cool. Read More...
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Learn A Bit More About Lady Hellbender In Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of August 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians A new developer breakdown for the recent Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy trailer offers a little more insight into what the Guardians are doing Last week, we had a fun new video to show off more for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy and a new character we would have to deal with in the story. It also highlighted a bit more on how some of these interactive cinematics would function since Eidos-Montréal announced the game was coming on October 26th. There is still a bit of time between now and then, but here we go with a little more insight on what to expect from these kinds of scenes in this Guardians title. Read More...
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Lady Hellbender Is Here To Meet Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of August 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Guardians A new gameplay segment for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy is here to show off how and whom the Guardians are trying to con After the first mission trailer for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy popped up out there, I know I was curious to see how things could play out and expand down the line. For those that do not remember, this was the bit of the trailer to showed off the dialog options and how the game could shift based on our choices. Now, we get to see what Eidos-Montréal has in line for the Guardians after that choice and if we opted to put Groot in the big box to hand over to the collector we are dealing with. Read More...
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Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy Have Revealed Themselves During E3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of June 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Guardians Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy was revealed and we will get to take all of the Guardians out to play this year Without a doubt, Square Enix came out swinging with a big title during E3 this year by dropping the announcement for Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy on us all right from the start of their presentation. It was one of the rumored titles that could have been in their working portfolio and now we know that Eidos-Montréal will be delivering all of that soon. Soon as in terms of Guardians Of The Galaxy will be hitting the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC on October 26th as of right now. Read More...
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Marvel’s Avengers Beta Is Further Explained & We Are Getting Hawkeye
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 29th of July 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Avengers The latest War Table for Marvel’s Avengers is here and with it comes all the details for the upcoming beta and a look at one more Avengers character Before we had the dates that the "beta" for Marvel’s Avengers was going to run, and now we finally have more of the finer details as to what we will get to experience during those times. The PS4 gamers are still going first then to be followed by the Xbox One and PC gamers, if you remember what Crystal Dynamics put out there before. Now it looks like we are going to get to play that opening twenty-five minutes of Marvel’s Avengers on the Golden Gate Bridge to get us used to the controls and experience set in. Read More...
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