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An InFamous Uncharted Killzone Resistance Among Thieves
by Kevin [ Monday, 25th of January 2010 - 04:28 PM ]
Looks like Naughty Dog is serious about bringing some eye-opening DLC to their blockbuster title, Uncharted 2. On the 28th of this month there is going to be an overflow of new skins to adorn your multiplayer experience. As Naughty Dog proclaimed over at the Playstation Blog, "Thanks to our friends at Guerilla Games, Insomniac Games and Sucker Punch Productions, we’ve been able to a pull off something unique within the UNCHARTED 2 competitive multiplayer modes – our first DLC release is the UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack. The PlayStation Heroes Skin Pack contains seven new skins featuring some key personalities from other major PlayStation first-party titles – Sev and a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2, Nathan Hale and a Chimera from Resistance 2, and Cole (both good and evil variants!) and Zeke from inFAMOUS. Read More...
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Restricted By Resistance No More
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of February 2009 - 10:16 PM ]
Download the Resistance 2 Cover of Your Choice Just before Resistance 2 came out, Sony had a small vote on their official Blog to see which cover art would be used for Resistance 2. The final retail version of course is the one that won. But what about those people who really wanted one of the other covers for their game? Why won't people think about them? Oh wait, Sony just did. Read More...
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Resistance 2 Preorders
by Jesse [ Tuesday, 7th of October 2008 - 04:05 AM ]
Preorders for Sony's highly anticipated exclusive Resistance 2 have finally gone up. Through Gamestop, PS3 owners will be able to preorder the game for the listed price of $59.99. People who do preorder the game will recieve early access to the Resistance 2 public beta which according to the order sheet is set to begin in early October. The beta will allow gamers the chance to experience both the 8 player class-based online co-op and 60 player competitive multiplayer. Read More...
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Resistance 2 Beta Applications Being Taken Now
by Ben Brody [ Thursday, 2nd of October 2008 - 09:26 PM ]
For all of you who can't quite wait til November 4th, there may be some hope. Starting on October 2nd, applications for the Resistance 2 open beta have started to be accepted here. You must login with your PSN email address and password and provide your name, top 3 shooters you currently play online, what consoles you own, what consoles you play online with, and how often you play. Read More...
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Don't Resist The Beta
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of September 2008 - 10:37 PM ]
Resistance 2 Beta Taking Sign Ups So I spotted this in the late hours of the night last night, I just got around to being able to post about it now. But plain and simple, on the official site, they are now taking registrants for the new Beta they seem to be rolling out soon. That is if you didn't get the opt in from any of the other sources that were allowing for you to get to see how cool this game is going to be before launch. That and help get out all those bugs and exploits I can see people bitching about in the future if they are left in. Check it out and sign it up. Read More...
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Resistance 2 Beta
by Andy [ Friday, 8th of August 2008 - 01:34 AM ]
Today, the new episode of Qore was released with some extra goodness. You can now download the new Qore and have access to the public beta of Resistance 2 which is said to come out in early September. I am currently trying to download the new Qore, but it weighs in at a fantastic 1382 MBs, so it may take you quite a while to download it. Once it finishes for me, I will update with all the goooodnesss!   So go grab Qore now! Read More...
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