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We Found The Best Zombie Plan
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of October 2010 - 10:38 PM ]
We asked for your plans and we got a lot of submissions. Looks like all we have to do is place Contest, Prize and Zombies into an article and we get all you readers' creative juices flowing. Maybe it was just the first two, but I like to think positive when it comes to the seriousness of having a good zombie plan. In the end, the most creative and interesting was written by error_code (Rhai). I mean it was not only a "How To Survive The Initial Onslaught" type plan, but it also included the long term plan as well; including a "doomsday switch" in case the zombies somehow overrun the base of operations. Read More...
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Got Zombie Plan? You Could Win Dead Rising 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of September 2010 - 06:46 PM ]
Do you have a plan for surviving the zombie apocalypse? Is it square and sound? Then we want to hear it. If there is one thing we can't stand, it is a poor plan when it comes to zombies. To ensure proper preparation, please send in your plans to us. Email them, post them in the comments below, send us a tweet or hit us up on Facebook. As an added bonus, we will offer some suggestions or alternatives to plan points that are not as sounds as you would think. For the individual with the best plan - since they won't need the to time to revise their plan - they will receive a copy of Dead Rising 2 for the PS3. Read More...
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Want To Go To E3? Sony Will Sneak You In
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 6th of May 2010 - 10:34 PM ]
Ever wanted a chance to go to E3? Willing to do whatever it takes to go to E3? Well Sony now gives you a chance to do just that. They have created a “Win a Trip to E3 2010” contest and all they want you to do is create an open letter video to Kevin Butler, you know everyone favorite fictional Playstation VP in the commercials. Here is the guideline: Each video should begin with the phrase “Dear Playstation” Include your take on Kevin Butler's ever-changing title Make sure you include your own name and title (e.g John Smith, Desperate Fan) Keep your submissions brief and to the point (30 seconds or less) Video can be about anything Playstation related All content must be original – no copyrighted music, video, pictures, etc. Read More...
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2K Sports Lost 1 Million In 1 Day
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of May 2010 - 04:47 PM ]
Well it looks like the boasting of how difficult pitching a perfect game is in 2K's MLB 2K10 just cost them a million clams, or dollars if you are not hip. How is that? Through a competition they were hosting where they tempted fans and players of MLB 2K10 to prove they could pitch a perfect game. Something they obviously thought would be near impossible with all the updates they made to their title. Now it is confirmed today (5/5/10) that Wade McGilberry pitched said perfect game. All on the first day of the competition as well. Read More...
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Name An A.I. After Yourself In Fat Princess
by Binh Nguyen [ Saturday, 17th of April 2010 - 12:55 AM ]
Ever wonder what it would be like to have your own character in a video game? Well wonder no more as Atomic Operations has announced a Fat Princess Biggest Fan Contest. They are looking for the King or Queen of Fat Princess. Someone who has ruled the rankings, has directed some of the weirdest winnings and who also loves cake more than the Princess herself. If you have all of those qualities than you could be the next A.I. Read More...
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Aggrogamer Presents A New Twitter Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 10th of March 2010 - 01:57 AM ] is set to start bringing you chances to win prizes every Friday, starting March 12th 2010. We will be posting up a question every Friday on Twitter, and all you have to do is follow us and reply back to us with an answer with the appropriate tag. We will select one follower after 8PM EST as the winner. What do these questions consist of? They will be about video games and video game related topics. Read More...
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Find Your Fortune In Uncharted 2
by Kevin [ Sunday, 11th of October 2009 - 04:14 PM ]
The general consensus of Uncharted 2 is that it's going to be an extraordinary experience with a level of polish that is going to blow us all away. Honestly, I would have been satisfied if they just gave a straight sequel with none of these bells and whistles that they are offering with this sequel - I just enjoyed it that much. Thankfully, no one over at Naughty Dog listened to me and not only are they about to drop one of the most anticipated titles of the year, they are getting together with Sony to award some Fortune Hunter Editions of the game to some lucky gamers (as if we really needed additional reasons to play the demo). For those not in the know, included in this package is the game, exact in-game replica of the Phurba Dagger Artifact and stand, Collectible Art Book and Collector case autographed by Naughty Dog, and a bunch of DLC. Read More...
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3 Children's Hospitals To Win Ultimate Gamerooms
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 24th of September 2009 - 11:12 PM ]
Early in September, the Children's Miracle Network announced that Microsoft's XBox 360 team was donating "Ultimate Gamerooms" to three children's hospitals in their network. The winning hospitals are determined by votes cast at a special website. Individuals voting are put into a separate drawing to win one of five XBox 360 Elite consoles for themselves for participating. Each individual is allowed 10 votes per day and each vote is another entry into the drawing. Too often the video games industry and we as gamers are cast in a terrible light. Read More...
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Let There Be Röck!
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 6th of August 2009 - 11:07 PM ]
Finally some closure. After a very long and grueling process, Activision and Double Fine Studios have come to some even ground and we do not have to worry about Brütal Legend being delayed in all it's rocking glory. According to the Associated Press and the New York Times, the Lawyers for Activision told court officials that they had finally come to a settlement with Double Fine Studios on Wednesday. For a brief recap see my previous article Activision tells EA to Back off The Los Angeles Superior Court spokeswoman said that Activision settled with Double Fine and a hearing, that was supposed to occur this fine Thursday morning, was canceled. What was heard last week was that the Superior Court Judge Craig Karlan had told Activision's lawyers that the request was probably going to get denied and the game was going to get released on time anyways. Read More...
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Iceland Or Bust
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2009 - 07:48 PM ]
EVE Online Summer Buddy Program Wow, this contest seemed to slip through the general populaces cracks for a whole month. Probably because the hardcore fans of EVE Online wanted to have a better chance at winning. But where is the fun of no competition? Am I right? So I'm going to try and even the odds of information for the gaming world. Entering this contest is kind of easy, and you still have about a month to get in on this. Well if you are or are planning on becoming a player of EVE Online and have a buddy who wants to join up too, then you are half way there. Read More...
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Want Lex's Power Suit?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of July 2009 - 04:18 PM ]
DC UNIVERSE™ ONLINE ASKS, "WHO'S YOUR DCU BFF?" Who wants some cool exclusive DC Universe swag? Who's going to be at the San Diego Comic Con or has a camera they can capture themselves with? Who can also rant for a good 30 seconds on why a character in the DC universe is the best or worst? If you fit those criteria, then do I have a new contast announcement for you. To further push DC Universe and get more people to peruse their Comic Con booth, SOE is hosting a contest where you can rant and rave about said characters. Or you can praise and claim why you would be best friends with Batman or The Joker. Read More...
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7345 Views's Gaming Night Schwag Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of September 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
After going to the various conventions and expos, we at realized that we have a lot of schwag we picked up.  The items include posters, toys, buttons, stickers, demos and more.  Instead of hording all of this for ourselves, we are giving back to you, the members of the site.  We had quite a few ideas of how to give this stuff away, some ridiculous, some too much of a pain in the arse to do.  We finally came up with the idea of combining the contest with our Gaming Nights. Read More...
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PWNED's Valve Contest Winners
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 03:08 PM ]
Mad thanks to Valve for sending us all the cool swag and allowing us to give it to you. There were so many custom profiles to choose from the judges were going back and forth. In the end they all agreed and the winners are; FIRST PLACE: VampireKitten - 1 Orange Box Ticket - Stickers - Shirts - Posters - 1000 Points from SECOND PLACE: RocketRobinHood - 1 Orange Box Ticket - Shirts - 500 Points from THIRD PLACE: Neil - Shirt - 250 Points from PWNED. Read More...
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