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Celebrate 10 Years Of Dead Rising By Getting The Remasters This September
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of August 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Dead Rising The remasters of the Dead Rising franchise have a release date just in time for the Dead Rising 10th anniversary that is coming this September Yesterday, August 8th, marked the literal 10th anniversary of Dead Rising's first release date and now it looks like we have a solid date on when we are all going to get to play the remaster of most of the titles that have come out in the franchise to date. I am not certain why Capcom is leaving out the third solid game in the list here but they are. None the less we will be getting all of the other Dead Rising titles remastered and out on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13th with all of the usual upgrades and additions we should expect. Read More...
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Review: Dead Rising 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of October 2010 - 09:05 PM ]
The zombie outbreak has now overtaken a good portion of the world now. Cites have been destroyed, human life is now precious even more so now yet everyone with a pulse has seemed to come to terms with zompoclypse. In fact, they have come to such great terms that game shows have popped up surrounding the total destruction of all of the infected. The most popular being Terror Is Reality, which has taken up shop in the new city of Fortune City just miles outside of a destroyed Las Vegas, NV. Speaking of Las Vegas, remember the Case Zero Review? Read More...
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We Found The Best Zombie Plan
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of October 2010 - 10:38 PM ]
We asked for your plans and we got a lot of submissions. Looks like all we have to do is place Contest, Prize and Zombies into an article and we get all you readers' creative juices flowing. Maybe it was just the first two, but I like to think positive when it comes to the seriousness of having a good zombie plan. In the end, the most creative and interesting was written by error_code (Rhai). I mean it was not only a "How To Survive The Initial Onslaught" type plan, but it also included the long term plan as well; including a "doomsday switch" in case the zombies somehow overrun the base of operations. Read More...
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Got Zombie Plan? You Could Win Dead Rising 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of September 2010 - 06:46 PM ]
Do you have a plan for surviving the zombie apocalypse? Is it square and sound? Then we want to hear it. If there is one thing we can't stand, it is a poor plan when it comes to zombies. To ensure proper preparation, please send in your plans to us. Email them, post them in the comments below, send us a tweet or hit us up on Facebook. As an added bonus, we will offer some suggestions or alternatives to plan points that are not as sounds as you would think. For the individual with the best plan - since they won't need the to time to revise their plan - they will receive a copy of Dead Rising 2 for the PS3. Read More...
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Learn Where The Plague Comes From in Dead Rising 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of September 2010 - 08:38 PM ]
Dead Rising 2 is only a few weeks out from launch. Wouldn't it be nice to have a solid feel for what is going into the game? You already know the basics of the story, the characters you will encounter, the weapons you'll use as well as the multiplayer. Yea, it kind of would be nice to have it all in one nice little spot. Well at least in four different video spots, which are all shown below. I do wonder if they truly did build all the jury-rigged weapons in house to see if they would work or not as it is shown in the clip. Read More...
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Capcom Either Causes International Incidents Or Zombie Incidents
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of February 2010 - 03:57 PM ]
It looks like once again Capcom could not resist disseminating their social commentary to the world - be it that people are becoming more and more violent and creative or that we are all giving into the social zombism that is quickly spreading the planet. Hell, they even seem to want to weigh in on the issues between China, Korea, and the United States. They do this in one of the best ways ever: through video game trailers and game play. Below you will see two new video clips for two of Capcom's upcoming games: Dead Rising 2 and Super Street Fighter 4. Read More...
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Terror Is Reality XVIII
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of September 2009 - 10:49 PM ]
Yet another game that has had the Multiplayer mode stapled to it. You all know how I feel about that. But this time it looks like Capcom has done it in a way that could overly help with the game instead of detract. At least as story goes. It looks like what they have done is taken the survivors of the zombie plague and had them do what was done in Land of the Dead, Human on Zombie death matches. Maybe Thunder Dome with Humans vs. Zombies. Read More...
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Chainsaws Galore
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 29th of April 2009 - 09:05 AM ]
Dead Rising 2 Trailer With Captivate '09 now over we can expect to be flooded with all kinds of information, screen shots, and videos from a plethora of games that Capcom will have coming out soon, or at least soonish. While some might let down, Bionic Commando, the one below is completely bad ass. Actually crazy bad ass. Oh, the game Dead Rising 2. Read More...
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The Dead Are Confirmed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of February 2009 - 07:05 PM ]
THE DEAD WALK AGAIN AS CAPCOM® CONFIRMS DEAD RISING™ 2 Near the end of last week, The Fatal Believer reported on a short video clip that was rumored to be a trailer for Dead Rising 2. There was a lot of buzz all over the internet about this. The quality of the video was also brought into question as being something just clipped together. Well as of this morning, the rumor is placed to rest. It is in fact a video for Dead Rising 2, as Capcom made the official announcement this morning. Read More...
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