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Capcom Either Causes International Incidents Or Zombie Incidents
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of February 2010 - 03:57 PM ]
It looks like once again Capcom could not resist disseminating their social commentary to the world - be it that people are becoming more and more violent and creative or that we are all giving into the social zombism that is quickly spreading the planet. Hell, they even seem to want to weigh in on the issues between China, Korea, and the United States. They do this in one of the best ways ever: through video game trailers and game play. Below you will see two new video clips for two of Capcom's upcoming games: Dead Rising 2 and Super Street Fighter 4. Read More...
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Super Street Fighter IV Flies Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of January 2010 - 03:59 PM ]
So if the AggroCast about the Capcom event didn't satisfy you with what we thought about Super Street Fighter IV, let me introduce you to the new trailer for SSFIV. A new trailer that is full of all the new character goodness and a bit of the new gameplay options. Including a nice little opening showing off the transition from smashing a car in 2D to smashing the car in the 3D world of Street Fighter. The clip below shows off the characters that have been announced and some of their special movies and ultra combos they can do. Also showing off the beautiful, yet confusing to me Juri. Read More...
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CES Impression: Super Street Fighter 4
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 19th of January 2010 - 04:45 PM ]
Less than a year ago the world was re-introduce to one of Capcom major franchise with Street Fighter 4. Millions of people jumped for joy as they get to play as their favorite characters like Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and more. Capcom also introduced a brand new character with the ever beautiful and deadly Crimson Viper. Under a year since the release of Street Fighter 4 Capcom decided to come out and announce the making of Super Street Fighter 4. You are probably thinking that it is just the same game. Read More...
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