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Reported Layoffs, Jaffe To Leave Twisted Metal Team
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 7th of February 2012 - 07:05 PM ]
Eat Sleep Play - the company behind the latest Twisted Metal title - has recently reported laying off eight of its employees. David Jaffe (co-owner of ESP, and creator of God of War/Twisted Metal franchises) has also announced that he will be leaving Eat Sleep Play and opening a new studio in the San Diego area. It's kind of a big deal considering the latest installment of Twisted Metal launches next week. Eat Sleep Play will now transition into the Mobile/iOS Gaming market. Read More...
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Alan Wake Developer 'Disappointed' By The Media
by Brian Goodman [ Monday, 19th of April 2010 - 09:15 PM ]
The managing director of Remedy Games, Matias Myllyrine has reportedly tweeted today that he is disappointed that gameplay footage of Alan Wake has been leaked. To quote, "Game journalism is not about playing a game in ten minute segments and posting random quality videos on the net. Disappointed." Okay here is why he's full of it and also why Alan Wake will suck. You may or may not have read yesterday my feelings about the necessity of a delicate balance between business and art in games. The reality is that video games are a product. Read More...
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Aggrogamer Presents A New Twitter Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 10th of March 2010 - 01:57 AM ] is set to start bringing you chances to win prizes every Friday, starting March 12th 2010. We will be posting up a question every Friday on Twitter, and all you have to do is follow us and reply back to us with an answer with the appropriate tag. We will select one follower after 8PM EST as the winner. What do these questions consist of? They will be about video games and video game related topics. Read More...
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Metal Tweet Solid VII: Patriot Sons of Blue Foxtail
by Kevin [ Sunday, 28th of February 2010 - 08:57 PM ]
Though Twitter has not verified the account, those that have been following the Tweets of this account have been thoroughly convinced that Hideo Kojima has found his way into Twitter. Kojima has been doing his thing on Twitter for a few days now, and it's worth the translation effort just to walk along with him. There have been several tweets that provide evidence that it is in fact him as such his view from the top for instance. He also enjoys sharing the contents of his meals. Read More...
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Spymaster Takes Twitter by Espionage
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 9th of July 2009 - 06:19 PM ]
Twitter Madness! For those who are not indoctrinated or already addicted, you undoubtedly have friends or acquaintances that can not speak enough about how many followers they have, that they tweeted what they had for lunch (I'm having leftovers) or whether or not Nathan Fillion liked Halo ODST (he did, btw). The interconnectivity can be considered amazing or intrusive depending on how often you check Twitter in a day, how often you tweet, when you're on your [insert phone here] Twitter application and how many text messages are sent to your phone. iList, Inc. Read More...
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Follow Aggrogamer Up To The Minute During E3
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 31st of May 2009 - 03:54 PM ]
Attention Aggrogamer Readers! We will be in attendance at E3 this year and bringing you news, previews, and hands on impressions throughout the show. Keep your eyes peeled to the website as E3 essentially kicks off with three press events tomorrow (Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft). David, Brian, Ben, Binh, Andy and myself will be there for Aggrogamer.The Aggrocast will be in effect as well, as we will be doing nightly recordings where Michael, Brian and Binh will be joined by Ben, David, and Andy. We will discuss everything we have seen each day and we may bring in some special guests each night. Read More...
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Get Yo' Killzone 2 On
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of February 2009 - 05:00 PM ]
This Week in Killzone 2 (and more demo codes) There have been many ways for people to gain access to the Killzone 2 demo before the game actually comes out in about 10 days, from now. Most recently one could have hunted down one of the only Helghast avatars in PlayStation Home and request one from them. Apparently something that was difficult for a bunch of people on the PlayStation Blog. But outside of that or pre-ordering the game, like one should, Sony is hooking everyone up again with a chance. Read More...
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