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Could We Be Seeing A Remake Of The Original Metal Gear Games?
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 28th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
An interview question gets Hideo Kojima talking about remakes of the early Metal Gear franchise. In a recent interview on Twitch Hideo Kojima talked for a whole hour. Some stuff we already knew but a fan question made the future seem even brighter. While it would probably be very far off into the future it still makes my heart beat with glee. The only hope we have is that Kojima said he would like to remake the first two Metal Gear games. He also said when asked about DLC for Ground Zeroes that it would only push The Phantom Pain back further. Read More...
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Metal Tweet Solid VII: Patriot Sons of Blue Foxtail
by Kevin [ Sunday, 28th of February 2010 - 08:57 PM ]
Though Twitter has not verified the account, those that have been following the Tweets of this account have been thoroughly convinced that Hideo Kojima has found his way into Twitter. Kojima has been doing his thing on Twitter for a few days now, and it's worth the translation effort just to walk along with him. There have been several tweets that provide evidence that it is in fact him as such his view from the top for instance. He also enjoys sharing the contents of his meals. Read More...
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