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Aggrogamer Presents A New Twitter Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 10th of March 2010 - 01:57 AM ] is set to start bringing you chances to win prizes every Friday, starting March 12th 2010. We will be posting up a question every Friday on Twitter, and all you have to do is follow us and reply back to us with an answer with the appropriate tag. We will select one follower after 8PM EST as the winner. What do these questions consist of? They will be about video games and video game related topics. Read More...
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Pwned's Gears Of War 2 Release Party Gaming Night
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 28th of October 2008 - 04:16 PM ]
Join us at 9PM EST/6PM PST on November 7th 2008 for a 2 hour long special Gears of War 2 Pwned Gaming Night in celebration of it’s release.  Everyone who participates will receive 200 Pwned Points each, and the top 3 winners will get 1500, 1000 and 500 Pwned Points Respectively. We also have as special prizes for the night, 2 Gears of War 2 T-Shirts (1 XLarge & 1 Large), as well as a Gears Of War 2 COG Tag, which will be drawn at random amongst all Pwned members in attendance.  We look forward to everyone attending this special release day event. Further details can be found on the Calendar Page and by following the link below. Read More...
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Advertisement's Gaming Night Schwag Contest
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of September 2008 - 12:47 AM ]
After going to the various conventions and expos, we at realized that we have a lot of schwag we picked up.  The items include posters, toys, buttons, stickers, demos and more.  Instead of hording all of this for ourselves, we are giving back to you, the members of the site.  We had quite a few ideas of how to give this stuff away, some ridiculous, some too much of a pain in the arse to do.  We finally came up with the idea of combining the contest with our Gaming Nights. Read More...
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