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Follow Aggrogamer Up To The Minute During E3
by Michael Camacho [ Sunday, 31st of May 2009 - 03:54 PM ]
Attention Aggrogamer Readers! We will be in attendance at E3 this year and bringing you news, previews, and hands on impressions throughout the show. Keep your eyes peeled to the website as E3 essentially kicks off with three press events tomorrow (Microsoft, EA and Ubisoft). David, Brian, Ben, Binh, Andy and myself will be there for Aggrogamer.The Aggrocast will be in effect as well, as we will be doing nightly recordings where Michael, Brian and Binh will be joined by Ben, David, and Andy. We will discuss everything we have seen each day and we may bring in some special guests each night. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Twenty Nine: Excited For E3
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 26th of May 2009 - 10:04 AM ]
We present you Episode 29 of the Aggrocast, which will be our final episode prior to E3. In this episode we discuss the latest gaming addiction in Plants Vs Zombies, the Neo Steam: The Shattered Continents Beta released by Atlus Online, and what we hope to see and look forward to seeing at E3.Prepare yourself for E3, as we hope to bring you daily updates each evening of what we have seen and our thoughts. We may also bring in some special guests, so stay tuned for next week. :)We would like to wish our loyal listener HeyHeyChest well after her recent car accident and congrats to our other loyal listener Geomoose and his wife on their first child. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode 28: Duke, Beards, E3 and More
by Michael Camacho [ Friday, 22nd of May 2009 - 10:22 AM ]
Hello all, and from the start I must apologize for the delay in getting this latest episode to our listeners. Since the last podcast, we all have had very busy and stressful weeks, whether it is getting ready for E3 or just dealing with personal issues. I would also like to apologize for how tired we all sound on the latest show. On this latest episode, we discuss 3D Realms shutting down, more insight into E3, and Brian's beard and whether it is troll or dwarven like. We also go over what games we've been playing, including Plants Vs Zombies, Princess Debut, Peggle and more. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode 27: We're Back
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 12th of May 2009 - 11:08 AM ]
EPISODE 27: Michael, Brian and Binh are back with the brand new Aggrocast Hello faithful readers and listeners. As many may know, when we launched, we brought the Podcast, Total Meltdown, over with us. We changed the name of it to the more suitable title of Aggrocast. We retain the same cast of Michael (G-Nitro), Brian (Quiglin), and Binh (Church). We also kept the same format but moved around a bit to settle in properly with the site, and we also made sure the same craziness, humor and entertainment is still there. With that, we hope you enjoy the new Aggrocast, as we really enjoyed being back on the podcast scene after a few weeks off. Read More...
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