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Review — Slime-San
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 3rd of April 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Slime-San We sit down and review Slime-San. Out of this world and into a worm. Here's our review of Slime-San Slime-San is an incredibly hard platformer developed by Fabraz and is the second game from the indie team. I will let my bias be known this type of game really isn’t for me. My main motivation for playing and subsequently reviewing this game was because it’s similarity to Super Meat Boy. I like to challenge myself and Slime-San is the very definition of challenging. At first, it kind of turned me off. Read More...
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Review: Nihilumbra
by Kenton Winkfield [ Sunday, 12th of January 2014 - 07:53 PM ]
We sit down and review Nihilumbra. How does this quirky 2D side-scroller handle? As much as i enjoy a game with many difficult maneuvers and complex button combinations to master, a simple game is always preferred after a long day. But simple gameplay can make it difficult for a game to hold my attention, and keep me from getting bored. The people at BeautiFun Games have created the perfect game to fill that position. BeautiFun Games is a 7-person indie development company located in a city just outside of Barcelona, Spain. Read More...
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Review: Rush Bros.
by Kenton Winkfield [ Saturday, 8th of June 2013 - 04:50 PM ]
I always enjoy listening to music when I play games. But not many games actually utilize the ability to use your own soundtrack in the game. You have Audio Surf or Beat Hazard which are directly influenced by your music but not enough games take this idea and run with it. We have another game to add to the list now. From brand new Indie developer and publisher XYLA Entertainment in collaboration with Digital Tribe Games, makers of such games as Velvet Assassin, Kung Fu Strike, and others, comes a brand new musical 2D racing platformer called Rush Bros. Rush Bros. Read More...
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PAX East Impressions: Guacamelee!
by Fred Buell [ Tuesday, 26th of March 2013 - 11:28 PM ]
This weekend I got to sit down with Graham Smith the co-founder of Drinkbox Studios. He showed me Drinkbox's new game Guacamelee! and I must say it's a nice blend of classic Metroidvania style action and Megaman style platforming. Guacamelee! has a 'dual world' feature where you have to jump through portals to navigate the levels. These two worlds are called The World of the Living and The World of the Dead. You will come across enemies that are shrouded in shadow that cannot be attacked, as they are in the other world, but simply jumping in a portal will allow you to defeat said enemy. Read More...
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Review: Gateways
by Kenton Winkfield [ Wednesday, 19th of December 2012 - 06:03 PM ]
A game to bring back the old-style platformers from yester-decade, Gateways is a 2D portal platformer from Indie Developers Smudged Cat Games, makers of The Adventures of Shuggy. Gateways has you take control of Ed, a scientist who has mysteriously woken up in his lab to find that his creations have escaped their containment and are running amuck. As he runs to escape his lab, he must find and use several of his new creations in order to traverse past several of his own security systems. He must use all his various portal devices to teleport, resize, rotate, and even go back in time in order to reach his control center, and ultimately escape his own lab. Read More...
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