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The Tester Season 3: Episode 1 - Lessons Attention Whoring
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of February 2012 - 06:58 PM ]
So here we go with Season 3 of PlayStation's The Tester. The first episode just hit the web and through every other medium that Sony wants us to watch it through. As promised in every other article about this show, I will give you my personal overview of the episode and things to look at for yourself. Hells, maybe even a reason on why not to watch at all or the converse. In any instance, let's move on before the title alone clouds your judgment. Read More...
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Here Is The Teaser For The Tester And...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of January 2012 - 07:00 PM ]
It looks like all of my thoughts from before about the new season of The Tester were about right. Either that or the editors of this teaser thought it would be best to show the entire cast failing and being told they ALL have failed. It's like they want to show that they chose the worst of the worst for the competition as long as they look good or 'act' humorous the entire time. Go ahead and watch the teaser and tell me that is not the first thing that comes to mind after watching. I'll wait as usual. Read More...
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Time To Get Real...Again...With The Tester
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of January 2012 - 05:48 PM ]
Hopefully it is no big surprise that Sony has the third season of The Tester under its belt. I'm sure most of you gamers out there saw floods of tweets, wall posts and whatever other method of online social interaction to get votes to be on the show. I know at least a few hundred of you saw the flood. Back to the topic at hand, it was just announced who was finally cast for the show as well as the fact that we can watch this new group starting on February 7th. You can see a video showcasing all of these "contestants" below. Read More...
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The Tester Season 3 Is Upon Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of August 2011 - 10:56 PM ]
Well this was a little unexpected. Last time it was announced during E3 and was a major thing Sony wanted to bring up. Unless their plan was to use QuakeCon to help the announcement. Then spot on. Oh, by the way, I am talking about the announcement for the third season of The Tester. You know that PSN/PS3 exclusive "reality show" that has gone two years now. Now normally, after what happened last time, I'd have some scoffing and guffawing about this. It's just how I'd feel. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 8 - Just As I Though
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of October 2010 - 09:17 PM ]
So it is all over. After hearing spoilers and waiting to actually watch how it all played out, a new Ultimate Gamer has been crowned. In case you didn't see the show when it aired or on Hulu, I won't spoil the fun of reading my article by telling you who won. You need to read the recap, or at least scroll down to the bottom. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 7 - Lost The Need To Watch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of October 2010 - 06:11 PM ]
It's gauntlet time! We have the last six contestants picked and ready and rearing to go for the gold. Finally, after all the bitching and whining the players are going to be forced to show their skills and no longer rely on luck to pull them through. Let's face it - some of them got along based on luck or outside help. Time to nut up or shut up. It's time for the "legendary" gauntlet. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 6 - Being A Payback Bitch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of September 2010 - 03:35 PM ]
Here we go. From here on we are in the gauntlet of the final six. Yea, that is right; we are down to half of the original cast now. It seems like it is happening fast here. So who went home? How did it all go down? Who got all bitchy? Read on for the recap and run down. Not to mention another opportunity to watch Timmy Dance. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 5 - Becoming Less Douchie
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of September 2010 - 10:08 PM ]
Wow, it is hard to believe that we are down to almost half the cast left now, isn't it? Just one more episode and then things are suppose to get really crazy. Well, that is, if everything runs the same way it did last season. So what happened last episode in case you didn't catch it? Well read below for the recap and explanation on how things got less douchie. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 4 - Peeling Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of September 2010 - 03:48 PM ]
Here we go fresh from the messed up actions from episode 3 and the contestants. Does the lack of humor and fun with in the house continue? Has the show kept that momentum it has been building going, or is it falling flat? Or more driving its self into the wall of "Should We Care Anymore?" Here are my thoughts and recap to help you figure that out for yourself. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 3 - Clowning Around Ay?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of September 2010 - 10:24 PM ]
We are now three episodes in and three contestants down. That also means it is time for AggroGamer's third recap/review of how Ultimate Gamer Season 2 is going. I feel obligated to keep you all informed in case you had something else going on. Let's stop gilding the lily and jump right in. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Knowing that, please read these recaps as a reviewer's aspect and not a bitter gamer. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 2 - Balls In
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of August 2010 - 06:32 PM ]
With a very unimpressive first episode, you may be wondering why am I even continuing with reporting on the proceedings. Well, plain and simple for two reasons: first, in hopes that it will get better and second, in hopes that I can save others' time with a recap if it isn't all that good. Ten minutes of reading seems better than an hour of watching an ad bombardment. So let's get right into it. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. Read More...
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WCG's Ultimate Gamer: Episode 1 Gets Too Catty
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of August 2010 - 08:39 PM ]
It has started up again. WCG's Ultimate Gamer 2 premiered last night on SyFy - bringing the gaming culture to the masses on cable TV. It is somewhat surprising that there was a season two being done considering the lack luster acceptance by the gaming community the last go round, but back it is - for better or worse, depending on your outlook. So with all of that comes the recap for those who missed the show and just want to know. Or for those who don't want to watch, yet want to know the progress. Read More...
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[UPDATE] Who Is The Last Titan Standing?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of March 2010 - 04:30 PM ]
Just as promised, we have the trailer for The Last Titan Standing. A short little 16 second trailer showing very little of what actually went on within the show. Not to mention a reminder about watching the full competition tonight (3/15/10) on Spike TV. So please take a gander at it. Now that you have gandered, are you a bit more excited? Yes, it looks cheesy. Yes, it looks another "reality show. Read More...
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Who Is The Last Titan Standing?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 10th of March 2010 - 07:45 PM ]
A few weeks ago Spike TV posed this question to God of War fans all over North America with a casting call for their show God of War: The Last Titan Standing. A show that was designed to place true God of War fans into the action of the game by recreating some challenges Kratos endured in his epic story. On top of the challenges, this enabled these lucky individuals to be amongst the first in the world - sans media and the developers - to actually play God of War III. A "real" test to show who is the world's largest God of War fan out of a selected 10 people. Read More...
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The Tester Bring Gamers Into Reality TV... Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 1st of February 2010 - 06:24 PM ]
If you follow the PlayStation Blog or the official Twitter accounts for Sony, you have obviously heard that Sony is doing a reality show for the PSN specifically. A show called The Tester. The premise, eleven "gamers" live together and complete challenges to see who will win the big prize, to be a game tester for Sony. What is slated as the dream job for pretty much any gamer. Right? Read More...
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