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WCG's Ultimate Gamer: Episode 1 Gets Too Catty
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of August 2010 - 08:39 PM ]
It has started up again. WCG's Ultimate Gamer 2 premiered last night on SyFy - bringing the gaming culture to the masses on cable TV. It is somewhat surprising that there was a season two being done considering the lack luster acceptance by the gaming community the last go round, but back it is - for better or worse, depending on your outlook. So with all of that comes the recap for those who missed the show and just want to know. Or for those who don't want to watch, yet want to know the progress. Read More...
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What Do You Fight For?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of April 2009 - 06:33 PM ]
Tekken 6 XBox 360 Title Preview: Spring 2009 Trailer Where did all the fighting go in this fighting game? That was something I though after watching the latest trailer for the console version of Tekken 6. I mean watch the trailer and see. There looks to be more going on than just fighting in this fighting game. People with guns, fat guys moving faster than they really should be able too, you get the picture. What this does look like though is that there is the chance there will be more story going on in the game outside of the characters are just getting down and dirty for their own greedy needs. Read More...
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New Shiny High Kicks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of March 2009 - 08:58 PM ]
12 New screens for Tekken 6 Just in case you have gotten tired of the Street Fighter IV craze and want to look forward to another game within the fight genres, then do I have something for you. Even if you are not bored of Street Fighter yet, you should still take a gander at these screen shots below. After you see some of them I'm sure you will be thinking that Tekken 6 looks to be coming together pretty well. Lets just hope they keep up the game play and controls with the visuals here. Read More...
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