So with all of that comes the recap for those who missed the show and just want to know. Or for those who don't want to watch, yet want to know the progress. Or for those who saw the show and care what another gamer's take on it were. You fall into one of these categories if you clicked onto this link and are still reading. No denying it. So here we go.
I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Knowing that, please read these recaps as a reviewer's aspect and not a bitter gamer. My views would be the same even if I had not tried out.
Game On?
So when it comes to reality TV shows, generally they all start off with a form of "Get to know the contestants" portion. You know, the short little interviews that give the people at home a perspective on the people they are going to be watching during the coming weeks. It lets you build a "relationship" with these personalities so you actually care. You know this.
Apparently the editors of the show decided to ignore this and glance over it. If memory serves, there were only about 30 seconds worth of random video from select contestants. None of which made me think "Holy Shit! This is the person I want to cheer for!" Not a one. In fact, it was like the editors didn't care much about your common watcher, or even the common gamer, when cutting this intro for the show. I would have had no clue at all who the entire cast was if I had not had some form of communication with them before the show. Hell, I still have no clue who some of these people are - even after the "Intro" portion of the show.
Chick Fights Will Get Ratings
So glancing over a proper introduction for everyone, one would figure they were just going to focus on the games this time around. This would make sense with how quick they moved on from the opening. Common sense was ignored as they moved right into a bitch fit between two of the female gamers in the cast. A bitch fit that made no sense to us viewers because WE HAD NO CLUE WHO THEY ARE!
That is just the impression we all want the world seeing of gamers, am I right ladies? You want female gamers to be shown to the world as catty bitches, right? I know I want all the male gamers of the world to be shown as tea-bagging, douche bags that have no respect for women; you know, the equivalent to how these two catty females were acting in the first 11 minutes. Oh wait, that is totally not what I would want.
(I am not trying to be funny with the catty comments because the gamer that started things was named Kat. They were going at each other like two pissed off cats in a car wash where only one could get out. That's the reason.)
So Where The Games At?
Alright. Getting to know the gamers. Un-check. Girl fight. Check. Time to move onto this week's game and challenge - that being Tekken 6, which apparently is a game about high flying action. Did I miss the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon mode of Tekken 6?
Yea, so to duplicate a fast action fighting game in reality, it is time to go into wire-fu mode. A ton of work, all in the hopes of bitch slapping little orbs off the other person. I believe Kevin Butler addressed this type of fighting when talking about the Kinect. That was the "real life" challenge. How this correlates is beyond me. I mean last season was Virtua Fighter 5 and they had to punch out wooden targets. That was cool and truly in theme. Maybe I am missing some weird correlation here.
Now for the actual game challenge, and here is where my question on editing really kicks up. So you have two of the best players in the fighting genre in there, you would think they're shoe-ins, but apparently neither of them could crack higher than third. Yet they show everyone, including the second place winner not being able to make it all the way through. Then, Justin Wong, who made it through every fight, "perfecting" most of them, he got third. The winner overall was someone they edited to look like he failed a match. I'm also pretty sure the second place person was shown as failing out after 5 matches and being shown as not completing every fight. Editing fail maybe?
New Rules For Elimination, Say What?
In any instance, it all boils down that Michs09 (Mike) did the worst overall and the overall winner clowN (Yaz) selecting ||| Mystik ||| (Kat) to go into the elimination match. That was some long drawn out event that everyone with two brain cells could see coming. Especially after being told that this time around the overall winners CAN NOT select themselves to go into elimination. So don't expect any awesomeness that sw00zie pulled last year.
When all was said and done, Timmy Williams Michs09 (Mike) lost out during a rather exciting Tekken 6 match - pretty much the highlight of the entire show. Not the fact that Michs09 (Mike) lost, but the whole elimination portion. That was the only part where I actually felt for one of the contestants and he was the one who got the boot.
In The End
So Ultimate Gamer 2 opened just as I expected. It was dismal for a reality TV show. If it were a game show, perfect, but that is not how it was marketed. Why did it take me 45 minutes of the show to give a care about anyone on the show, at least for the ones I didn't know? That is how a game show is formatted. I just hope that the future episodes make me want to care who wins overall because right now, I couldn't care less.
In tribute to Michs09 (Mike) losing out, I leave you with Timmy Dance. Because Michs09 (Mike) completely looks like Timmy and now I have to find a new person to hope for.