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Enslaved Went West To Gamescom And Showed The Goods
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 21st of August 2010 - 08:56 PM ]
Up until now, I have been only mildly interested in Enslaved: Odyssey To The West. It has an okay concept, but the screens, clips and hands-on I have seen or had up until now have done nothing to overly impress me. Please notice how I said "up until now." If you look back, you'll see it in the sentence prior. We were given a really great look at where the game has progressed to so far and it feels and looks like a whole new game to me. I know it isn't literally, but like I said, what I saw before didn't "Wow" me. Read More...
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New Shiny High Kicks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of March 2009 - 08:58 PM ]
12 New screens for Tekken 6 Just in case you have gotten tired of the Street Fighter IV craze and want to look forward to another game within the fight genres, then do I have something for you. Even if you are not bored of Street Fighter yet, you should still take a gander at these screen shots below. After you see some of them I'm sure you will be thinking that Tekken 6 looks to be coming together pretty well. Lets just hope they keep up the game play and controls with the visuals here. Read More...
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