Alright, for the most part it starts just like every other "reality show" out there. It's expected. What caught me by surprise is that instead of getting to know any of the contestants, they jump right into showcasing the attention whores. If you look hard enough, you can actually see some real people in there, but the most memorable part of the show is how they focused on the pedophile, "gangsta", heavy breather gawking at ALL the women and the drunken stereotype already bitching it up. You shouldn't miss that. I mean it is the only part of the episode that hasn't been shown in the promos already.
So let's look here. We have our potential douche bag and our house bitch already and we are not 7 minutes in. The sad part here is that they are the most memorable people outside of the people who look like friends I have in real life. If I looked at this from the outside I'd swear this show was about getting the lowest common denominator of gamer and betting on who doesn't get raped or slapped first. Luckily that is not how I viewed it. But as I said, which will become more evident later, this was the first memorable thing of the show.
Putting that all aside, let's move into the actual competition. Being episode one and the show's standard only ten of the twelve get to move on. The event nothing more than a job interview with the panel while their head is covered with hissing roaches. Cake walk. It is kind of like any other interview people have. The only difference is that instead of butterflies in the stomach it's roaches on your head.
Now here is where things kind of get weird and thus further promotes the above article title. So we get a few quick glimpses and a few extended versions of the interviews. Let me give you individual thoughts on each interview and tell me if you can see what they are going for. *
- burnNibelheim - "Hi, I work at GameStop and know all about games because you don't. Did I mention I push people to buy your product?" That sure sounds like a winning interview to get a production job. Looks like I wasted my time getting an education.
- akilleezmight - He had an interview? I thought those were longer than "Hey how's it going?"
- krystipryde - Circus freak for all those out there who don't dig the "nerd" look on girls. Notice the close up on boobs. Did you see? Oh, back to the interviews.
- ninjanomyx - Proves that he is the living stereotype of ultra nerd who is voted most likely to be arrested with a pedo-van. Seriously how is this guy not locked up?
- Ashichan - Stepped up and took a chance to go first. Sought to be a go getter and was completely calm.
- J-Tight - Could have nailed it by saying under employed. Also focusing on being from the "ghetto" you'd think he'd be use to those things. Oh wait this wasn't just to mess with him, there should have been an interview.
- Kwajamonster - Man this girl can talk a lot about farting and poo. Because you know there is a lot of that going on at Sony. I guess at least she let them know the 'real' her, she doesn't shut up.
- Skyd1ddy - If I had to guess, this was very well scripted. Actor at work or just cleaver editing? They did seem to focus on his "creativity" quite a bit more than anyone else.
- Asuukaa - Did she try to eat another roach during the interview?
- egoraptor - "Hey look at me look at me! I'm an attention whore that swore I wasn't one. Oh crap, did I say that out loud? I mean I'm in it for the prizes and such. Oh wait, job interview, um I can bring attention to the company?" What I assume was going on in his head since that's how it came out.
- Suzkaiden - So she's a walking stereotype at the beginning of the show and then lists off qualities that don't fit the stereotype she is playing? What gives here? Do I smell attention whore/actor who snuck on? I think I might.
- RealityPalez - Holy shit it's Will Powers again? Oh wait. No it's not. But damn he seems like he knows the company like a fan boy. Kind of wish they showed the other question he apparently nailed.
So, like I've said many times before, what are any of their qualifications here? I'm sure in the deleted scenes we might be able to pick one out here and there, but seriously this was nothing more than a group of histrionics doing what they can for a glimpse at fame and sniping something from those more deserving.
Now the moment of truth and spoiler warnings for those who care. The elimination.
After wading through the normal BS, and RealityPalez coming out on top, it comes down to Fart Girl (Kwajamonster), The Bold One (Ashichan) and the True Attention Seeker (egoraptor) for the bottom three. Going back and forth Ashichan was sent home. The reason, not being memorable, even though they all remembered her as being the first to take charge and put her head in the box. Funny that. Regardless, she was sent home for the person who was more of the "let's bring in the geek viewers" persuasion. Looks like boldness lost to a busted face.
As for egoraptor, he was up against NO ONE to be given the boot and somehow NO ONE lost. I guess they wanted him to bring in all of his "watchers" for the show and not have it try to survive on its own merit. Sony, did you just drink from the same cup as egoraptor? I think you did.
So what is the morale of the story here? I might not have been clear. I enjoyed the show in general. The host and panel didn't get much air time, but were on par with the past seasons. The "challenge" was interesting and even though it didn't make sense to a lot of people, it did to me. How could it be a challenge if we just have people sitting there for an interview? As for the people, and this can be related to editing mind you, they are all shown to be attention whores and that's what they want you to think. The producers are trying to grab our attention to the show - as they should - but they are using Jersey Shore tactics and using egorapter's "watchers" to keep numbers up.
I know I shouldn't have expected more and I really didn't. Instead of trying to edit and "cast" for a real competition it is all about raping your eyes to keep you in some messed up Stockholm syndrome effect. I mean it's almost to the point where I can see the script or "design" of how this will play out. My money is on egorapter making it half way to lock in viewers and then RealityPalez or akilleezmight making it to the end. Granted this is just my thoughts on things. You may take away something completely different.
* These are not my real feelings on the people but what the producers inspired in me based on their editing. So take that into account before you get all panty bunched.
In case the below video is not working you can view the episode here on PlayStation's site or download it on off the PSN.