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Yes…There Will Be A Season Three For The Walking Dead From Telltale
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of July 2014 - 07:01 PM ]
During the Skybound Entertainment panel for The Walking Dead at SDCC, season three for the game was announced We haven't even finished off season two of The Walking Dead from Telltale and now we have season three on the way. It has been confirmed during the panel at SDCC where the game was mentioned and then confirmed from Robert Kirkman and the president of Telltale games, Kevin Bruner. Also for those who were not able to make the panel nor watch it online it was later announced via Telltale's twitter account for all to bare witness to. Amazing news indeed! Read More...
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The Tester Season 3: Episode 1 - Lessons Attention Whoring
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of February 2012 - 06:58 PM ]
So here we go with Season 3 of PlayStation's The Tester. The first episode just hit the web and through every other medium that Sony wants us to watch it through. As promised in every other article about this show, I will give you my personal overview of the episode and things to look at for yourself. Hells, maybe even a reason on why not to watch at all or the converse. In any instance, let's move on before the title alone clouds your judgment. Read More...
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Here Is The Teaser For The Tester And...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of January 2012 - 07:00 PM ]
It looks like all of my thoughts from before about the new season of The Tester were about right. Either that or the editors of this teaser thought it would be best to show the entire cast failing and being told they ALL have failed. It's like they want to show that they chose the worst of the worst for the competition as long as they look good or 'act' humorous the entire time. Go ahead and watch the teaser and tell me that is not the first thing that comes to mind after watching. I'll wait as usual. Read More...
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Time To Get Real...Again...With The Tester
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of January 2012 - 05:48 PM ]
Hopefully it is no big surprise that Sony has the third season of The Tester under its belt. I'm sure most of you gamers out there saw floods of tweets, wall posts and whatever other method of online social interaction to get votes to be on the show. I know at least a few hundred of you saw the flood. Back to the topic at hand, it was just announced who was finally cast for the show as well as the fact that we can watch this new group starting on February 7th. You can see a video showcasing all of these "contestants" below. Read More...
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The Tester Season 3 Is Upon Us
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 4th of August 2011 - 10:56 PM ]
Well this was a little unexpected. Last time it was announced during E3 and was a major thing Sony wanted to bring up. Unless their plan was to use QuakeCon to help the announcement. Then spot on. Oh, by the way, I am talking about the announcement for the third season of The Tester. You know that PSN/PS3 exclusive "reality show" that has gone two years now. Now normally, after what happened last time, I'd have some scoffing and guffawing about this. It's just how I'd feel. Read More...
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