Back to the topic at hand, it was just announced who was finally cast for the show as well as the fact that we can watch this new group starting on February 7th. You can see a video showcasing all of these "contestants" below. Take a look for yourself. If you don't want to read any vitriol, stop here and don't read after the clip.
Ok, so really? Are we just trying to find the lowest common denominator of "gamer" here? I tried out for the show. I even came close to being the top 20 in the voting. I accepted not being selected here. I actually felt that most of the other top people during the "casting" actually had what it took to do the job that would be the prize. I guess for once Sony decided not to "steal" my thoughts and opinions this time.
I am offended by the choices that were made over a lot of really good competitors out there. People that also truly deserved the opportunity because they didn't need to rely on horrid gimmicks. Just like The Big Bang Theory it looks like Sony has a set stereotype it feels it must cater to so things seem interesting. Unfortunately, unlike the sitcom example, they are attempting to pass it off as realism and not satire - but I digress.
This is all about the production job being offered up and it seems like Sony is again worried about trying to have an entertaining show, rather than affording those who have busted their asses IN REAL LIFE an honest chance. I swear if I see a douche like the first eliminated last season or the hired actor, I'll quit caring.
How about you? Do you feel the same way? Be it passed over for this "cast" or how gamers are being portrayed to gamers. Just like last year, I think I'll be watching if they offer up prizes just to download the episodes.