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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 8 - Just As I Though
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of October 2010 - 09:17 PM ]
So it is all over. After hearing spoilers and waiting to actually watch how it all played out, a new Ultimate Gamer has been crowned. In case you didn't see the show when it aired or on Hulu, I won't spoil the fun of reading my article by telling you who won. You need to read the recap, or at least scroll down to the bottom. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 7 - Lost The Need To Watch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 4th of October 2010 - 06:11 PM ]
It's gauntlet time! We have the last six contestants picked and ready and rearing to go for the gold. Finally, after all the bitching and whining the players are going to be forced to show their skills and no longer rely on luck to pull them through. Let's face it - some of them got along based on luck or outside help. Time to nut up or shut up. It's time for the "legendary" gauntlet. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 6 - Being A Payback Bitch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of September 2010 - 03:35 PM ]
Here we go. From here on we are in the gauntlet of the final six. Yea, that is right; we are down to half of the original cast now. It seems like it is happening fast here. So who went home? How did it all go down? Who got all bitchy? Read on for the recap and run down. Not to mention another opportunity to watch Timmy Dance. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 5 - Becoming Less Douchie
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of September 2010 - 10:08 PM ]
Wow, it is hard to believe that we are down to almost half the cast left now, isn't it? Just one more episode and then things are suppose to get really crazy. Well, that is, if everything runs the same way it did last season. So what happened last episode in case you didn't catch it? Well read below for the recap and explanation on how things got less douchie. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 4 - Peeling Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of September 2010 - 03:48 PM ]
Here we go fresh from the messed up actions from episode 3 and the contestants. Does the lack of humor and fun with in the house continue? Has the show kept that momentum it has been building going, or is it falling flat? Or more driving its self into the wall of "Should We Care Anymore?" Here are my thoughts and recap to help you figure that out for yourself. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Read More...
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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 3 - Clowning Around Ay?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of September 2010 - 10:24 PM ]
We are now three episodes in and three contestants down. That also means it is time for AggroGamer's third recap/review of how Ultimate Gamer Season 2 is going. I feel obligated to keep you all informed in case you had something else going on. Let's stop gilding the lily and jump right in. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. I was only able to connect for one of the sessions, and thus disqualified. Knowing that, please read these recaps as a reviewer's aspect and not a bitter gamer. Read More...
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Something Positive and Refreshing in Gaming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of August 2010 - 12:52 PM ]
As they are few and far between, here comes another quasi-positive thing from video gamers that needs to be mentioned. With the video game bill trying to stamp out first amendment rights for games, we all need to look and see what these games can do: like bring groups of young adults together for community service. No, I am not talking community service that is imposed by the penal system. I am talking the kind that is voluntary to show that people still have some kind of kind heart left. Read More...
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WCG's Ultimate Gamer: Episode 1 Gets Too Catty
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of August 2010 - 08:39 PM ]
It has started up again. WCG's Ultimate Gamer 2 premiered last night on SyFy - bringing the gaming culture to the masses on cable TV. It is somewhat surprising that there was a season two being done considering the lack luster acceptance by the gaming community the last go round, but back it is - for better or worse, depending on your outlook. So with all of that comes the recap for those who missed the show and just want to know. Or for those who don't want to watch, yet want to know the progress. Read More...
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Rocked Off
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of March 2009 - 05:26 PM ]
WCG Ultimate Gamer Episode 1 Review For those who are not in the know, there is a new 'reality' show on Sci Fi that premiered last night. For those further not in the know, it is a show that pits some of the best professional and not so professional gamers in a weekly challenge based show to let them prove they are the Ultimate Gamer. It mixes in real world versions of games, paint ball for FPS, actual Car racing for racing games, real guitar for Rock Band. You get the gist. Read More...
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The Real World Of Gaming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 05:55 PM ]
WCG's The Ultimate Gamer You may have heard of this, but you also may not have. What is it, well like the header alludes to, it is a new reality TV show on Sci Fi showing who is the ultimate gamer out of a selection of 12 professional, and extremely good gamers. Yes, I know it sounds odd at first, but let me explain, or at least watch the trailer below, or check out their site. See, not only do they take real gamers, people you might have actually played against at some point, but they also test them to see if they can do these virtual skills in the real world as well. Not to mention if they can handle the gaming side under different and unusual circumstances. Read More...
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