Just released to the public is the following trailer for the show. Something that looks rather close to what happened for the WCG's Ultimate Gamer, including a member from that show as well. Which makes a few questions pop into my head, but I'll keep those to myself for now. No reason to stir the pot. I just hope that it ends up being better than the WCG's Ultimate Gamer show. But I have a feeling that it will be just about on par with every other "Reality" TV show to date. The only saving grace, that it is on a topic that I and most of you are interested in. That is gaming and the PS3. Unless you are an XBox fan(boy/girl).
The show premieres on February 18th exclusively on the PSN via downloadable content. So I guess the XBox fan(boy/girl)s would be ass out on it anyways. Check it out, I know I will be. At least in hopes that it give the rest of us a good name.