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WCG Ultimate Gamer 2: Episode 2 - Balls In
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of August 2010 - 06:32 PM ]
With a very unimpressive first episode, you may be wondering why am I even continuing with reporting on the proceedings. Well, plain and simple for two reasons: first, in hopes that it will get better and second, in hopes that I can save others' time with a recap if it isn't all that good. Ten minutes of reading seems better than an hour of watching an ad bombardment. So let's get right into it. "Disclaimer" I will make it no secret that I tried out for this season and was not selected due to XBox Live issues during game analysis. Read More...
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Nintendo & American Heart Association To Get You Off The Couch
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 17th of May 2010 - 05:45 PM ]
Today Nintendo and the American Heart Association announced a partnership to get you off your couch and be active. Throwing around various statistics and knowing gamers, the two powerhouses look to empower gamers to become active, make time for exercise and enjoy getting fit. Along with the announcement comes the unveiling of a new website to inform users of how they can get involved at home using Nintendo products and across the country with AHA's Start! Heart Walks. As much as I want to be cynical and sarcastic about how this is simply a business move to sell more Wii's or how the AHA is just piggybacking on the success of Nintendo's console or how it is only a vehicle to sell the Wii Vitality Sensor, I'm going to restrain myself, be positive and optimistic. Read More...
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Nintendo Wii To Have New Pack-ins, Color
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 4th of May 2010 - 05:36 PM ]
Nintendo announced today that beginning on Sunday May 9th, all new Wii consoles will ship with a copy of Wii Sports Resort, a wiimote, a nunchuck and a Wii Motion Plus. You will also have a choice between the classic white or the brand new black color. Now six months after the release of Wii Sports Resort and the Wii Motion Plus, Nintendo has waited an appropriate amount of time to make sure the bundled peripheral had plenty of legs, netting them the largest bundle of cash they could muster. They certainly did not want holiday shoppers to get a good deal. They wanted the system sale AND the Wii Sports Resort sale. Read More...
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Six Flags will showcase Wii Resort
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 3rd of July 2009 - 11:37 PM ]
Well here something neat. The Milwaukee Business Journal is reporting that Six Flags theme park is working on expanding it's partnership with Nintendo and its going to feature Wii Sports Resort at it's theme parks. Wii Sports Resort is the anticipated sports simulation game from Nintendo which will have more addictive games like archery, ping-pong, and fencing (Star Wars anyone?). Wii Sports Resort also utilizes the new Wii motion plus attachment which improves motion control accuracy. Read More...
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