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Nintendo Announces Red, Will See Green This Holiday Season
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 21st of October 2010 - 05:29 PM ]
Today, Nintendo announced new holiday bundles to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. release on the NES. Going "Mario-red," the new Wii and DSi XL will each have Mario games bundled in with them to complete the experience. Nintendo also unveiled the new Wii-mote with the Wii Motion Plus technology built into the original frame. Okay, so once I got over the initial lust for the little red console, I noticed little nuances that I know will have no bearing on what actually will happen in real life, but I thought worth mentioning.    First, we start with the most obvious: the new Wii-mote. Read More...
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Nintendo Wii To Have New Pack-ins, Color
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 4th of May 2010 - 05:36 PM ]
Nintendo announced today that beginning on Sunday May 9th, all new Wii consoles will ship with a copy of Wii Sports Resort, a wiimote, a nunchuck and a Wii Motion Plus. You will also have a choice between the classic white or the brand new black color. Now six months after the release of Wii Sports Resort and the Wii Motion Plus, Nintendo has waited an appropriate amount of time to make sure the bundled peripheral had plenty of legs, netting them the largest bundle of cash they could muster. They certainly did not want holiday shoppers to get a good deal. They wanted the system sale AND the Wii Sports Resort sale. Read More...
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Zelda Wii: Five Ways Wii Motion Plus Can Make the Series Pop
by Brian Bentley [ Sunday, 2nd of August 2009 - 10:28 PM ]
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was essentially a port from the Gamecube to the Wii with improved controls. Now, “New Play Control” Wii games like Pikmin and Mario Tennis now sell for the reduced price of $30 USD. Twilight Princess, being a launch title on Wii, sold for the full $50 USD price point. I do not regret spending the money; the game was extremely enjoyable and since I had not played it on the Gamecube, it was a fresh and exciting first Wii game for me. At E3 this year, Shigeru Miyamoto announced that a new Legend of Zelda was being created for the Wii and released one piece of concept art. Read More...
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Six Flags will showcase Wii Resort
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 3rd of July 2009 - 11:37 PM ]
Well here something neat. The Milwaukee Business Journal is reporting that Six Flags theme park is working on expanding it's partnership with Nintendo and its going to feature Wii Sports Resort at it's theme parks. Wii Sports Resort is the anticipated sports simulation game from Nintendo which will have more addictive games like archery, ping-pong, and fencing (Star Wars anyone?). Wii Sports Resort also utilizes the new Wii motion plus attachment which improves motion control accuracy. Read More...
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Add An Extra Inch To Your Wii
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of April 2009 - 05:15 PM ]
NINTENDO TO SET SUMMER '09 ABLAZE WITH WII MOTIONPLUS AND WII SPORTS RESORT Announced almost a year ago and suppose to have been out by the end of last year, Nintendo has finally set the date for when the world will be able to add an extra inch to their WiiMote. That is the attachment of the WiiMotion Plus device that is suppose to give better tracking of 3D space to your Wii games. As long as developers have placed in the code for such things. But in any instance, us in the USofA can look forward to picking up the little thing on June 8th for the low cost of $19. Read More...
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